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Installing Zeus

Posted on Thu Dec 17th, 2009 @ 4:09pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

432 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Deck 23 Fleet Intel HQ
Timeline: Current


Nick Stone was pleased, All the requested modifications had been made. Containment barriers were working and shielding was in place. The main Office was more like a Museum receptionists lobby... Behind that were several meeting rooms and a com center.

This area seemed to be completely overrun with contractors moving in furniture. As the trio walked toward the Admirals office loud voices could be heard, the double doors were open revealing several contractors sitting on the Admirals desk telling jokes.

Of course dressed in civilian casual clothes they were ignored by most around them. Stone stepped up to his desk. Looking at the eldest of the Four laughing men. "Excuse me gentlemen, but your services will no longer be required here. They were still chuckling and didn't respond or move. Nick stepped back and looked at his able and very volatile Adjutant. "Ian, I'll be stepping out into the lobby while these people depart the deck." Nick walked out the door...

Ian Dixon on the other hand walked to the credenza and tossed his briefcase on it. He turned and addressed the contractors as Gale Blackmoore closed the doors sealing them off from any escape.

"Before one of you fools even open your mouth and say something to anger me I need to inform you that it's not a good career move to ignore Rear Admirals. I suggest you get your toys together and depart with all your workers and forget this deck ever existed, and I hope your done. If not there will be repercussions for years to come..."

Admiral Stone was sitting in an overstuffed chair as the doors opened and the Four men ran from his new office whispering to a few others. In Three minutes Deck 23 was completely empty and secure. Stone returned to his office and Called for Lt. Blackmoore.

"Gale let me know when ZEUS is working, and send a message to fleet command letting them know we're here and should be operational very soon."

"Yes Sir, Blackmoore took a small pouch and removed a set of crystal mother boards and began installing hardware to a computer station. Ian walked past and entered Stones office, "Deck 23 cleared Sir, scans show we're good. Containment fields are up and working without the stun function as you requested."

"Outstanding, lets get the place set up and ready for work. I'll need this place ready for work in Ten days. It will take a few hours for ZEUS to do it's magic so lets get some food sent up."


Rear Admiral Nick Stone
Fleet Intel Chief
USB Typhon


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