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Security and Intel

Posted on Thu Jan 28th, 2010 @ 9:21am by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Krang Darkmoon

1,097 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Security
Timeline: Current


Raven still hadn't met many people on the Starbase. At least, not many Federation personnel.

In an effort to meet the rest of the senior staff she made her way to security.

She walked into the office and had a look around for the Chief...

Krang was going over another PADD. It seemed that no matter how many of these he read through and processed that the stack never got any smaller. "If I didn't know better, I would swear these damned things were breeding." he grumbled barely loud enough to be heard. He noticed movement in the outer office and stood and walked to the door. A lovely woman was standing there, looking around like she was looking for something, or someone.

"Can I help you miss?" he asked politely, hiding the frustration he was having over his day so far.

She recognized Krang from his personnel file. "Hello. I'm Raven Adams. I stopped by to say hello," she said with a nod.

"Raven Adams.." he repeated thoughtfully. "The name sounds vaguely familiar, but I know I would remember your face if I had had the pleasure of seeing it before. Since I don't get many social calls down here, I am guessing your a member of the station's staff?"

"Yes, I am. I'm the Chief Intelligence Officer. I thought I should stop by and meet you," Raven said.

"Where are my manners?" Krang asked with a smile. "Come in, take a seat. Can I offer you a cup of coffee or a piece of fruit?"

"Hot cocoa would be nice," she said. "And I don't mind your manners," she said, taking a seat.

Krang retrieved the mug of cocoa from the replicator and handed it to Raven. "I would imagine, with the reports that have crossed my desk in the short time I've been here, that you and I are going to be working together a lot. I have already been advised that there is quite a bit of 'freelance cargo distribution' going on around here. I don't suppose you have any ideas as to who might be the 'ringleader' yet do you?"

"There's a lot of 'freelance cargo distribution' in the Federation," she replied, thinking hard. Could he be talking about... Then she remembered her conversation with the XO. "Do you mean David Mason? Commander Tolren asked me to do some searching into his background."

"Well, Mason is the name that was mentioned, but there seems to be a well established ring of thieves here on Typhon. A rough estimate I ran this morning shows that 20 percent of the cargo that is destined for Typhon doesn't arrive at its intended destination."

"20%? I hadn't heard any specific numbers," she replied, concerned. Mason's activities would cause a lot of problems for her friends. And possibly for Khiy. She needed to take care of this problem -- and perhaps this person -- right away. "As I said, I was asked to do research on the man and his business. I should have some results tomorrow."

"Sounds like a workable plan." he said taking a sip of the coffee that sat cooling on his desk. "I seem to be dominating the conversation. Do you have anything that needs my unique touch?" he asked with what passed as a smile for him. To those that didn't know him, it would appear to be just a barring of teeth, but it was the best he could do.

Raven shook her head. She had worked with many species in her various careers, but she'd never worked with a sentient ape before. Still, she found it no less strange than working with a Caitian or other animal-like humanoids. "I have nothing at the moment, but when I get more information on Mr. Mason I'll be back. I may have an acquaintance in the civilian sector that could be of help as well. Mr. Mason might be... careless... if he doesn't think the Federation is watching."

"We'll have to try to work both of those angles at the same time. I intend to come down like a tritanium weight on whoever is behind this. It might take a while, but I intend to crack a few heads if that's what it takes to make my point. It may be 'the wild west' around here, but I am going to let it be known real quick that there is a new 'sheriff' in town."

"I wish you luck," Raven said, chuckling at the thought of a giant ape with spurs, chaps, a cowboy hat and a pair of six-shooters.

"With reports like these," he said waiving a PADD, "I can use all the luck I can get."

"It goes both ways," Raven assured him. "I'm going to need your help as well. As soon as I get more information I'll be back."

"I am always available to help in any way I can, so long as our goals are at least parallel."

"A good point," Raven conceded. "It would be a waste of your time to bring up matters that you can do nothing about."

"I think you misunderstand me. I don't mean that you would be wasting my time. I meant that long as we are both on the same side of a case, I am always available to help." he said with a wink.

That's what she thought he said. But she didn't want to think about what might happen if they were on opposite sides of a case because that would mean she was in trouble. "Then it's a good thing we're not working on opposite sides," she replied with a smile.

Krang laughed. It was a huffing, grunting sound but his body language made it obvious he was laughing. "You have an uncanny grasp on the obvious." he replied. "Are you getting settled in yet? I just got unpacked yesterday myself."

"Slowly. I'm moving in segments. The large things first, then I move down to the small ones. That way I make sure everything has a place," she said. "It allows me to unpack in short bursts."

"Sounds like a workable plan."

"Good," Raven said, grinning. "I think I'm going to like working with you."

"And I you. Thank you for stopping by. Feel free to do so anytime." Krang said standing from his chair to show respect as she left.

"Thank you, Commander. It has been a pleasure," Raven said before turning and leaving the room.


Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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