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The Intelligence Goth

Posted on Thu Jan 28th, 2010 @ 9:21am by Commander Jack Tolren & Commander Raven Adams

620 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: ?
Timeline: Current

Jack was doing the rounds, after meeting Lieutenant Commander Johnson he was making a point of visiting the other new staff who had come aboard. His next stop was the intelligence department and a certain Commander Adams.

He tapped the call button outside the starbase intel office and waited.

Raven was going over reports on the Damron group and the Neyel. She'd been asked by Starfleet to make sure everything regarding the recent suits was on the up-and-up. Accusations of eco-terrorism had a number of people very nervous.

When she heard the door chime she turned off her console and stood. "Come in," she said, wondering who would be calling on her.

The door slid open at Raven's request and Jack entered. He was careful to avoid looking at monitors, intelligence often made him nervous. The office was empty with the exception of one person, a female officer bearing Lieutenant Commander rank pips. She did, however, have a very odd look about her - and that coming from a green man.

"Good afternoon," Jack offered. "I'm Jack Tolren, station executive officer. I thought I'd come and introduce myself."

Raven looked up at him, surprised to see that he appeared to be part Orion. "Hi. I'm Raven Adams. Come in and have a seat, if you want." She looked up at Edgar who, at her signal, flew up to his perch on the wall. "You were away when I got here, Commander, or I would have met you in your office."

"I still haven't gotten around to furnishing my office," Jack admitted. "So it's probably best I came to you."

He sat down, although his visit would be relatively brief, "I thought I'd bring one of our visitors, David Charles Mason, to your attention. He was flagged up as a security risk when he arrived, but any information security may need would be of great assistance."

Raven raised an eyebrow. "What flags were raised? And what can you tell me about him?" She would start a detailed search as soon as she could, but any information she could get now would help her search later.

"We got a warning marker as soon as Lieutenant Francis checked the name, apparently he's connected to smuggling operations and the Syndicate," Jack replied. "You can probably find out a lot more than me."

"I'll make that a top priority," Raven said. She looked at her Raven. " Edgar, did you get that? Start a search for David Charles Mason. All accusations, all convictions. I especially want to know what ties he has with the Syndicate."

Edgar squawked and nodded his head. Raven smiled brightly and turned back to the XO. "We'll have something on him shortly."

"You've made a physical representation of the intel AI?" Jack asked, somewhat rhetorically.

"Yes. His name's Edgar," Raven replied. "I prefer working with a physical entity than a bodiless voice."

"That makes sense I guess, so is the raven a nod to your name?"

"Only in part. Edgar Allan Poe is one of my favorite authors. He wrote a poem called 'The Raven.' Edgar is named after him," Raven replied. "The fact that my name is also Raven is merely a coincidence."

They chatted a bit longer, talking about the starbase and the mining company. After several minutes, Raven began to feel like she was imposing on the XO.

Jack stood and Raven followed suit. "I can have someone keep an eye on Mr. Mason," Raven added. "I may also have some civilian contacts I can use, if necessary. I'll give you a full report when I get more information."


Commander Jack Tolren
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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