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Ice Planet Expedition: Cave Science, part 1

Posted on Fri Jan 29th, 2010 @ 8:16am by Commander Raven Adams & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Jack Tolren & Commander Basil Hart & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,033 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Tyberius X
Timeline: current


[Inside the Caves]

The two Argos zipped across the frozen tundra as they made its way towards a set of distant cliffs. As the vehicles approached the caves, Raven began to lean forward in her seat to get a better look. She liked caves. She looked over at John and grinned. "This is going to be fun."

The two vehicles slowed to a stop a short way from a large cave opening. While the vehicles were secured, the scientists grabbed their backpacks and gear and prepared to head into the largest cave.

When they were all ready, T'mpest lead the team in.

The cave was cold and dark. T'mpest and Sam pulled out their tricorders and began to scan.

"It looks like the tunnel to the left leads to some geothermal vents. At least it's warmer down there. Let's check that out first.'

They went down a hundred kilometers to where the tunnel opened up to a large cavern. One that apparently had been used by humanoids. There were wooden tables rotting in the center, with some pottery scattered along a back wall.

Basil, who had tagged along after expressing little interest in Marine training, took out his medical tricorder. To his surprise, he found lifesigns. "Erm, Folks? I have lifesign readings all around, but they are indeterminate. I would recommend caution."

Gifford and Ty Seven had been following the good Doctor and observed him get a lifeform reading. This was totally unexpected... The statement "All around" wasn't music to John's ears either. Ty took a defensive posture on one knee...

Trent walked into the cavern with his weapon still down at his side and obviously not alarmed. "Relax Rambo." He said to the man who had taken up a defensive position.

Sam pulled out her tricorder and scanned as well. She, too, found a large number of lifeforms. Small, animal but not something easily classified. "They appear to be some sort of animal. No idea if they're dangerous."

"Stick to the main areas and no one goes anywhere alone," T'mpest added. "Let's see what we can find here, and in the habitation rooms. Then we can check on the animals."

Raven was interested in what might be beyond this main cavern. She spoke to Beatrix and the two of them headed into the adjoining room. It was a storage room that had rotting wooden boxes and dust. Lots of dust. In a corner was a pile of bones. As the two women examined them, they found the bones were humanoid. And they'd been gnawed on.

Trent wandered in behind the two ladies and spotted the bodies. "Well there ya go." He said in a dismissive manner "All those lifesigns are just rats. No big deal."

Raven looked at Trent. "Might be interesting to see what kind of rats this planet produces. They appear to be larger than Terran rats."

"Alright," Trent amended "so they are BIG fluffy rats. No big deal. Who doesn’t love cute-n-cuddly fluffy rodents?â€

John was feeling he had just appeared as the menu item on the food chain of some strange little space rodent.

T'mpest looked at John. "Do you want to come with me to see if we can find the sleeping caverns?"

John grinned, "Sure sounds like a plan." He motioned for Ty Seven to join. Seven shuffled over, "I hate rats."

Basil raised an eyebrow. "I prefer to avoid the R.O.U.S's as well..." He wondered if anyone would get the obscure reference as he moved off with T'mpest, John, Ty, and several Marines.

"Now that was a classic movie," Faulkner, who had joined the team as the engineering advisor, spoke up.

Samantha wanted to see what was nearer to the thermal vents. She looked at Raven and Trent, "Would you two like to accompany me deeper into the caves?" She also asked another of the Marines to make a larger group and thus be safer from any giant rodents.

Lucinda stayed in the main cavern. The glaciologist wanted to get some samples from the cavern walls. She sat down and began chipping away at the rock-ice mixture, humming a tune as she went.

Anjen and Lieutenant Faulker continued to examine the human remains, it was entirely possible that they were as old as the caves, or perhaps it was simply a lone archaeologist. That's what he wanted to find out.

Trent gripped his TR with both hands and flicked on its forward light, cutting through the darkness. The weapon was brought up and the rifle butt tightly rested against his shoulder. "Ready whenever you are boss." He said to Samantha.

Sam nodded and looked at Raven and the two Marines. "Let's go. I want to see where the geothermal vents are."

The four of them took the most likely tunnel and began to descend.

After a hundred meters, the cave became slimy. Lichen grew along the cave walls. Near the ground, there were visible signs of some creature or creatures gnawing on the lichen. Most of it was gone and there were scratch marks on the walls.

"Well this is...gross." Trent said while attempting to scrape the bottom of his boot clean.

Raven chucked. "Maybe you should stay behind with the others. I'm sure we'll find more gross stuff as we go. At least, I hope so." She liked caves and hoped to find something interesting when she got to the thermal vents.

Sam shook her head, trying not to laugh herself. She took out a small bag and scraped some of the lichen into it to analyze later. As she did so, she heard a scraping noise coming from further down the tunnel. She froze, listening carefully.

(To be continued…)

USS Endeavor:

Commander T'mpest Michaels
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander John Gifford
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Anjen Torvil
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Ensign Beatrix Marelle
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist

USS Orion:

Lieutenant Commander Samantha York
Chief Science Officer

Trent Kushner (NPC)
Marine Rifleman

Starbase Typhon:

Lieutenant Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Ty Seven (NPC)
Intel Officer

Lieutenant Lucinda Sprout (NPC)
Science Officer, Glaciologist


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