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In Route to a New Home

Posted on Wed Jan 27th, 2010 @ 10:33pm by Captain Anna Johnson

439 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Transport from Earth to Tyhpon
Timeline: Current

Jana was in her room on the transport. That is where she had stayed for the most part since coming on board. She had been told that they would try everything they could to help her mother but she wasn't expected to make it for as long as it would take Jana to get from Earth to her sister Anna. With that knowledge Jana had said her good byes though she half way thought it would be just like her mother to pretend to be sick so she could use the excuse to send her away. The amount of injuries she had been getting had gone down quite a bit since her half Klingon boyfriend had broken up with her but now she hated everyone.

Now she was being forced to live with a sister she had only seen occasionally since she was six years old. Someone she knew nothing about and who nothing about her. This was punishment she just knew it.
Jana was currently writing in her journal. Not just thoughts were in this journal but poetry. Dark poetry that expressed what she felt with the life she had been dealt.

When she finished she moved over to the bed and turned on the keyboard she had brought along and started playing music. The music itself however didn't sound as dark as her poems or her look would indicate she might play. There was another side of her hidden deep behind the mask she put on for everyone else she came in contact with.

Her mother had gotten her a kitten about a month earlier and she now sat beside Jana purring happily at the music. The kitten was of course all black just the way Jana wanted. Jana let out a sigh and leaned back picking up the kitten and stroking it behind the ear. "Elenore what am I going to do?" The cat of course just looked at her and then lay its head.

Jana sighed and sat up once more. There were places she could go to for recreation on this transport and maybe she should stop moping in her quarters. Jana moved over and replicated some food and water for Elenore and made sure she had some things to entertain her and a place to sleep until she returned.

Jana then brushed through her hair and put it up into two pony tails that she let hang down in front of her shoulders. She then made sure her journal was safely put away and left her quarters in search of a pizza.

Jana Johnson
(NPC played by Anna Johnson)
Misfit Sister, Starbase Typhon


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