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Gotcha!!!! Part Two

Posted on Thu Jan 28th, 2010 @ 5:48am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

507 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Marine HQ
Timeline: current


[Marine HQ]

Wilhelm was not a happy camper. Getting woke up at 0240 in the AM did not help matters at all. After putting on a clean uniform and getting a cup of coffee Wilhelm entered the Marine HQ. "Alright, why did I get waken up so early? I swear there better be a new war on or I'm busting someone back to Private!"

The officer on a duty, a marine Captain, came up to Wilhelm. "Sir. We caught someone in Bravo Armory. We thought you'd like to talk to him immediately sir." Calming down, Wilhelm responds, "Good Captain. I might just forgive your sorry hide this time. Now where is the soon to be unfortunate fellow." The Captain responds with handing Wilhelm a PADD and saying, "We put him in our Interrorgation Room sir. All his info is on the PADD." Quickly scanning the PADD, "Captain? Can you please get Sergeant Major Van'zee and Gunnery Sergeant Otto Schmidt and tell then to report to in immediately..."

Scanning the PADD Wilhelm learns all about his intruder:
Name: Trevor Kupal
Age: 28
Past Assignment: Corporal, Armory Tech, 1st Regiment, 7th Division, Romulan Reconstruction Zone, Medical Discharge after injuries sustained in terrorist attack
Medical History: Artificial Right Arm (Complete)
Last Known Whereabouts: Geneva, Switzerland, Earth
Arrived at Starbase Typhon two weeks ago.

After reading the rest of the PADD the two Sergeants enter the HQ and look at their boss. Wilhelm explains the situation to them and then they look at the saboteur's gear which includes various tools and chemicals and a PADD that contains what looks like religous texts which indicate the Damron Group. Also included is a false tooth filled with poison.

[Interrorgation Room]

Walking into Interrorgation, Wilhelm sits down at the single table in the room. Purposely using a heavy German accent Wilhelm greets the saboteur. "Hello, I'm Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg. How do you do Trevor?" The saboteur just glares at the Colonel and says, "I'm not saying anything until I get my lawyer." Wilhelm responds, "I would get you one, but since you entered a MILITARY section of this facility illegally, you are subject to military law and court-martial, no civilian lawyers required. You should just feel lucky right now that you didn't do this during the war. We had standing orders to shoot saboteurs that were caught in the act." Trevor just glares at Wilhelm and repeats. "I want my lawyer." Wilhelm shrugs and says, "Very well, SERGEANTS!!" Sergeant Van'zee and Schmidt walk into the Interrorgation Room. The saboteur nearly jumps out of his skin, "ONE EIGHTY FIRST!! They were disbanded!" Wilhelm looks at the saboteur with a sly smile and responds, "Actually no, they just got reassigned. Sergeants take the prisoner to security and see to it he stays there." After the Sergeants drag the resisting prisoner away Wilhelm writes up a quick report about the prisoner with possible Damron Group ties, and sends it to Captain Fannin, Security, and JAG...


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Regiment CO
Starbase Typhon


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