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Checking on Things

Posted on Sat Jan 30th, 2010 @ 5:55am by Captain Anna Johnson

1,494 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Tiberius V
Timeline: Current


Anna was making her morning rounds, checking on the various stations as well as how the purification process was going. She watched as the cadets worked and smiled. She remembered being that eager to please though the person she wanted to please was never happy. Shaking that thought she continued to watch for a while.

Brad Talon and Bib Grant were just finishing their night shift and both were exhausted. Mandy Travis and Lee Quan, and patrick Wayne were taking over for the day shift. Mandy greeted the Commander as she passed by. "Good morning Commander Johnson, is a beautiful place and it will be again soon!"

Anna nodded and smiled, "Yes it is and I know you will make sure it stays that way." She answered.

Patrick walked over to the Equipment "Hey why all the netting around here?" Grant frowned,"I don't know what it will be like during the day but the insects got very annoying last night. Thus the mosquito netting. If it interferes with you 'nature children then just roll it up and tie it off." Brad slapped Patrick on the back is all you guys for a while catch you later." Talon saw the Commander and walked over, "Thanks for bringing us along Ma'am this has been a very rewarding experience. Will be fantastic if we can totally restore this to what we saw the first time we were here?"

"We should be able to get it pretty close since we are getting on it shortly after it happened. The damage wasn't too extensive luckily but didn't need to be left unchecked. That netting could also provide a bit of shade and protection from the sun so you might not want to be so quick as to roll it up," She added having heard the conversation.

Lee was checking the report PADDs "That is a good idea Commander, not all of us are as concerned about a good tan as you are Patrick." Patrick smiled undaunted and moved closer to the Commander, "Well a good tan bespeaks of a healthy body, and one should always strive to be their healthiest. Say Commander Johnson what might be your favorite color? My guess is red and gold? I only ask because we have been asked to tag along with a Marine Patrol going inland and I would consider it an honor to collect a bouquet for your table!"

Mandy elbowed Patrick in the ribs hard and he grunted in surprise. "Commander Hawkins told us last night that a Marine Major requested us to go with some of his patrols inland, I don't think Commander Hawkins has had a chance to get permission as yet." She kind of growled and glared at Patrick. "He said he would talk to you about the possibility today at your convenience Ma'am."

Anna looked at Patrick, "If you are assisting with patrols I'm sure you will be a bit too busy to be worrying about flowers. To answer your question though my favorite colors are purple and teal or other similar shades." Anna said.

Patrick grinned unabashed, "Never too busy to smell the flowers Commander Johnson." He stepped back politely then went over to help Lee with a huge grin on his face. Mandy shook her head, "With your permission Commander Johnson I should get to work also."

Mike Hawkins had been looking over the ocean team and was just getting to the water purifier system when saw Mandy talking to Commander Johnson. "Hello Commander Johnson, splendid operation you have here." He smiled as drew close enough to talk in civil levels. "I was just at the ocean teams site and they are doing well. Figured I should check on my gang and make sure no one was trying to make a still." Mike looked over the site, "The Marine Major suggested he would like to take some of the Cadets inland with a patrol. Since they are working for you I felt it only appropriate to ask you if you could spare some of them for the excursion. If it is an inconvenience just say so?"

"After all they have already done some exploring with Commander Tolren. You tell me and I tell them," Mike looked out over the site, "That way I am the bad guy, and if you can spare them your their hero." Mike chuckled, "Not sure which would be better for them myself. Our trip here was long, then they got that mission with the XO right off. Now this opportunity popped up. Has been great, but kind of feels like being caught in a whirlwind. They are handling it all very well though. Sorry Commander I was rambling, the question was can you spare them for the recon inland?"

"I think I can do that." Anna answered with a smile also speaking low. "Though one of your cadets is a bit flirtatious but other than that they are doing a great job and deserve to do something they enjoy."

Mike chuckled, "Can't blame him for that, if I was fifteen years younger I would too." Mike noted her expression "Sorry Commander Johnson, I will speak to them about military respect while on duty. I apologize for my comment as well, I misread your meaning." Mike felt foolish, one of the reasons he had never married was his inability to understand women. "I will pick three of the Cadets to go on the the Recon, as long as the equipment keeps working we should be able to maintain with myself and two cadets. Once again I do apologize You being attractive is no excuse for boorish behaviour."

"No need to apologize." Anna said, "I was more concerned with him doing it on duty. It makes it a bit difficult to think he respects me if he is constantly flirting with me on duty."

Without hesitation Mike responded, "Cadet Wayne is a good lad, and he meant no disrespect I am sure of that. He just doesn't think about what he says. You give him an order and he will jump to and do his best. It is just, let me guess he made his remarks while greeting or in passing? I know Talon would not have said anything as he is too shy, Grant rarely notices anything that isn't mechanical. Lee has better judgment and I am ruling out Ms Travis. I know my Cadets Commander and if anything it is because he respects you he is trying to show off. He just doesn't yet realize he isn't as cute as he thinks he is. I will talk to him."

"Thank you, that would be appreciated." Anna said.

"Looks like we will have a nice day, and everything seems to be working in good order. Is there anything else Commander Johnson?"

"No I was just making my morning rounds." Anna said. "I'll leave the cadets in your hands." She said then turned and moved to check on the marines.

MIke walked over and checked the worked stations and the PADDs. Everything looked shipshape and he congratulated the Cadets on a job well done. About an hour later Mike asked Patrick to walk over to the mess tent with him to get some snack items for them all to enjoy as they watched the equipment operate. Patrick trotted over and fell into step with Mike but fell outof step just as quickly and gave up after a few attempts to reestablish.

At the mess tent they gathered some food that was left over from the previous meal and started back. Mike looked around before started talking to Patrick. "Look, I know your young and I know you don't mean to be stupid. I don't ever expect to need to tell you this a second time either. When you are on duty it is never a proper subject to flirt with another person. Don't say anything. Off-duty you flirt all you want, but on duty you are risking a bright future. All a Person has to do is turn you in for harassment and your doing time in the brig and then your out of the fleet. They won't even listen to your side, they won't care. That is a fact of life and you best take heed."

Mike had spoke so Patrick had time to recover his emotions before got back to the work station. Mike left it up to Patrick to think about. If the young man was not smart enough to take a warning then it was best to find out sooner then later. patrick was mad at first but as he thought about it and of the classes he had taken on those issues he came to grips with what mike had said. For an old guy he didn't miss much. Patrick entered the station as a Viing bearing the loot from his raids. Mike went over and sat on a chair and shook his head.



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