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Sending Reports

Posted on Sat Jan 30th, 2010 @ 10:48am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

371 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Tiberius V/Starbase Typhon

Anna stepped into one of the shuttles to send a call to Captain Fannin. She wanted to give him an update on things and let him know she would probably return to the Starbase herself the next morning. She would let the cadets decide if they were going or staying for now and she felt confident the marines would have things under control. For now she sat waiting for the transmission to connect.

"This is Fannin, Commander Johnson, how are things going down in your neck of the woods?"

"Thing are going well Captain. The cadets have been a big help and eager to learn. The equipment is up and running and we are already seeing a difference. I will probably stay one more night here then head back to the base in the morning. I will let the cadets decide if they want to stay or not and the marine detachment will be staying for a while." Anna said.

"Very well commander, sounds like a plan, When you return your going to be firmly planted in the second chair up here. as Commander Tolren is departing for Earth today." get with me when you return."

"Wait just a minute. What did you just say sir?" Anna asked a bit stunned at what she thought she heard.

"Commander Tolren will be departing for Earth today, as soon as you get the situation running smooth down there I'll need you to return so we can get you certified to take over for the XO."

Anna sat stunned for a moment then blinked and asked, "Certified how exactly?"

"Just need to check you out on protocols and procedures on the command side and update your fleet access."

"This will be my first time in the big chair. I hope I don't let you down." Anna said.

"You'll do fine, the trick is not to think about the fate of One Hundred Thousand people when your looking at the self destruct button. See you when you get back." Fannin had to laugh about the last comment...

Anna swallowed hard, "Yes sir." She answered.

"Fannin out."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Second Officer
USB Typhon


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