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Typhon Science Department

Posted on Tue Feb 2nd, 2010 @ 3:26am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Lucas Jackson

831 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Deck 54, Main Astrometrics
Timeline: Current

Captain Fannin stepped off the lift with yeoman James close behind. Edward was looking for his Chief Science Officer Commander Jackson. He hadn't talked to the officer in several days and was interested in his most recent findings out past the Tiberius system. No report had been filed and Ed was concerned. He saw lab one was packed with crew conducting intense atmospheric models.. He tapped his comm badge...

"Commander Jackson, your location"

Luke was sitting in front of a console, pressing various buttons in order to manipulate the screen ahead of him. Tapping his combadge, he announced, "I am in Main Astrometrics, sir, Deck 54." The man had been back for a week now, but most people still had the impression that he was gone. Since his return, Luke's time has been nearly all spent in Astrometrics. No one knew what he was up to, but at least one person would soon find out...

It took a few minutes before captain Fannin arrived at the Astrometrics lab to see his commander...

Upon hearing the doors hiss open, Lucas turned around. Immediately, he began shouting orders. "Computer, secure room under a Level 10 Security Clearance. Establish a field around the Main Astrometrics Lab to deflect all incoming and outgoing transmissions, sensors and computer tap-ins."

The feminine voice responded, "Acknowledged. Room secured."

The Chief Science Officer, once again addressing the Captain, showed a face of seriousness. "I apologize for the measures that you just witnessed, but these precautions must be taken for what I am about to tell you."

"Please continue commander, I didn't mean to interrupt at all."

The officer took a deep breath, getting ready to make a rather lengthy lecture, "Well, here is a PADD containing my real logs while I was in command of the Jackson Survey. They explain what we found while scanning the outer edges of the Tiberius System. When we approached the interstellar medium, the area between star systems, scans indicated that concentrations of hydrogen and helium were ahead. Naturally, it was our first thought that there was the possibility of a star on the other side of the medium. Knowing it would take far too long to get a go-ahead from you, I gave the order to trudge through the medium.

"We were greated on the other side by a massive and rare Class-O star. Approximately one in every three million stars within are galaxy are of the same class. Furthermore, there are atleast ten planets within the system. We performed some rough scans on the first, being a Class-B, but we didn't have the appropriate resources to continue." Luke stopped talking, allowing the the Captain to take it all in. He didn't end in a question, but Lucas expected Fannin to have some answer.

"This is quite a find commander, I understand the security issues now. Have you forwarded this information to Fleet yet?"

"That is precisely what I wanted to talk to you about," Luke sighed. "We all saw what happened to the Tiberius System within a couple weeks of its discovery. I don't want the same to happen here. There appears to be at least one Class-M planet, which could be inhabited. I haven't informed anyone of this discovery besides you; my crew has been ordered to do the same."

"Very good, whats your next plan of action. And I do believe once you have enough Data you should send a classified message to the deputy Cinc explaining what you have found out there."

"Well, based on your input, I would like to know if I could lead another small survey in search of life on the system." Jackson stumbled over his words, "And...And I was wondering if we could take our counselor along, in case there is need for First Contact."

"I'll leave that up to Commander Vrel as I'm not sure of her schedule, but It sounds like a wise move."

Luke took that in with a short contemplation. "Alright, I will do. I was wondering the same if you could spare an Intel officer, but that is up to you. And if there's nothing else you wish to discuss about the mission, I will unlock the door for you." The science officer gave a hearty laugh. "I'll keep you posted up until our launch date."

"Very good, I do expect to be kept in the reporting chain daily when you leave. Review your Fleet contact protocols before you depart. Those regulation's are there for your benefit."

"Alright. I don't know how well reception will be, but I will definately try to stay in touch." Luke turned and pressed a button on a console. "Computer, return room to initial security protocols."

"Acknowledged. Restoration complete."

The Chief Science Officer saluted Fannin in a goodbye. It was hard for him to stand still, as he was already going through preparations in his head.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon


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