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The Next Level

Posted on Tue Feb 2nd, 2010 @ 3:59am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Anna Johnson

982 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Current


The captain was at the end of the huge table in his ready room, stacks of paper and several padds piled about. The view screen was flashing several windows at light speed as it was running visual tests and having quite a difficult time getting in sync. Yeoman James had kept him full of coffee all morning and Edward was due for a large migraine at any time. He had talked with Fleet about Commander Johnson's selection as acting XO on the station and discovered there had been a loss in the family. Commander Johnson's younger Sister was on her way to Typhon and status of this girl was unknown. His only immediate concern was her family..

"James, let me know as soon as Commander Johnson arrives. And check her file and download it to my Padd please."

Anna had in fact just arrived and had stopped by her quarters to drop off her bag. She washed her face, brushed through her hair and braided it tightly behind then put on make-up in an attempt to hide her swollen eyes. After letting out a long sigh she left her quarters and rode the lift up twelve decks and stepped off before making her way to Fannin's office.

Yeoman James escorted Commander Johnson into the ready room. "Can I get you something to drink Ma'am?"

"Coffee with cream is fine." Anna said then took a seat and noticed he was overwhelmed with PADDs. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm great please have a seat and rescue me from this pile of nonsense." Fannin moved away from a falling stack of junk on his desk.. Yeoman James handed Anna a cup of coffee and left the room

Fannin moved closer he noticed Anna's face...

"What In the world happened to your face lady?"

"I've been crying for most of the four hours it took me to get from Tiberius V." Anna said. "I'll be fine. What do you need me to do?" She asked.

Edward sat down on his couch, "Anna, you can tell me how your doing. I understand your family has suffered a devastating loss. I'm very sorry. Is there anything at all I can do to help."

"I just want to get to work. If I take time off now I can't take time off when my sister gets here. That and if I don't keep busy it will just make things worse. My brothers start the Academy in a couple of weeks and my sister arrives here in a couple of weeks. I am now her legal guardian. I talked to her on the way here she was stuck on a transport alone when she got the news." Anna said before sipping her coffee. "That said, what can I do to help with the reports?"

Fannin nodded, he didn't want to make the commander uncomfortable, "You can take all the time off you need to get your affairs in order Anna so that's not an issue. I'm pulling first and second watch on the bridge and it's working out well with your ops team. Your going to get signed off on emergency protocols for command tomorrow and signed off for Fleet command. You also need to take this Padd and review the Captains Fleet ciphers for communication in case something happens to my ability to command. So your going to be very busy lady for a few days in addition to pulling the Third watch so I can sleep." he took a drink of coffee and handed Anna the padd he mentioned.

As of right now I need you to get a Danube shuttle out to that transport out to that transport and get your Sister here as soon as possible. First things First. I would request you have a chat with Commander Vrel as soon as possible. That includes your sister too. I don't like the thought of her being out on a transport alone at this current time. Understood?"

"Sending a shuttle out at this point even at maximum warp would cut a week off the time at best, but I will arrange it when we are done." Anna said, "And why should you be the only one pulling double shifts?" Anna asked, "We can rotate who takes the double shifts I don't mind."

"I'm bored and really trying to meet all the crew yet so I don't mind at all. Also the USS Asgard has arrived. Get down there and give my regards to Captain James and see if she needs anything."

"She is suppose to meet the Admiral. I saw notes on it before I left. She is getting a promotion and made a Task Group Commander as well as move to the USS Alabama that is already here waiting on her." Anna said.

"That will be some great news for her"

"It will, though didn't Admiral McGintly have to leave?" Anna asked.

Fannin was puzzled, "I have heard rumors but no announcements have been made official yet. Captain James may have to contact some one at Fleet headquarters to answer those questions. Fleet operations would be totally out of my area. I may be in command of the biggest chunk of metal in the fleet but that don't mean I have any knowledge of whats going on off this starbase..."

"Working in operations only gives you so much of an advantage." Anna said. "I will double check and make sure the Alabama is ready for departure when she is ready for it."

"Good, now get that shuttle moving to that transport, and make some arrangements today to meet with Commander Vrel."

"Yes sir." Anna said. "Any reports I can help with let me know." She added as she stood taking her coffee with her.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations / Acting XO
USB Typhon


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