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Docking The Hightower

Posted on Sat Dec 19th, 2009 @ 3:47pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

340 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Main Control "The Pit"
Timeline: Current


It had been a routine shift, Fannin worked "The Pit" for several hours, it was a good opportunity to meet all the crew and support team that kept the station rolling along. He was watching his operations team dock the Hightower. She was a very large Freighter in for repairs. It took a team of Twenty to co-ordinate this process and was incredibly complex. He smiled as it was done in less that 30 minutes. He complemented the Watch Officer on a job smartly done and checked the log entries. There were several ships docked at Typhon now and the crew was very happy with the current record of zero mishaps. But it was to be expected. Typhon was just too large to keep a perfect record for long.

Some of the vessels that arrived were in real bad shape, Operations had sent several shuttles out to make repairs off the starbase, this necessary as the ship in question was just to dangerous to dock. The crew was amazing and very independent. Early in the shift there had been a few security concerns as a crew member of a visiting vessel got out of hand and was taken into custody by Typhon Security. Fannin reviewed the report and it wasn't a criminal offense. A matter between a crewman and his Captain that would be settled after they left the station.

Captain Fannin departed Main Control and headed for the Agoura, he had spotted a good Italian bakery earlier and decided to stop in for a quick meal. As he walked along he observed dozens of persons going about their daily chores and the main area of the Agoura was filled with people, Hundreds. He was also aware of a Two man security team shadowing his movements. Edward had an eye for spotting things The male in civilian clothes was good, the female was moving to fast and looking directly towards him. He chuckled as he walked into the Bakery. Everyone needs practice...


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon


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