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Intelligence Briefing

Posted on Sat Dec 19th, 2009 @ 6:08pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

331 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Captain Fannin and Admiral Stone sat in the large over-stuffed Red chairs and exchange pleasantries as beverages were served and the yeoman departed.

"Ed we have a situation, And you should be made aware of it, One of our ships has dropped off the grid. The Endeavor was reported missing several days ago. She was attempting to close a rift anomalie, that's the last we heard."

Fannin wasn't aware of the disappearance at all. It wasn't strange or out of place to lose contact for a few hours with ships farther out.

Admiral Stone leaded back into the chair. "I know Commodore Fisher well, he's one of our most skilled Captains in the Fleet. If there's a way back he'll find it. Now that ZEUS is up and running we'll be listening closely for word from them. I do ask that you keep this under your hat for know as no Fleet announcement has been made. Your aware we seldom have vessels return after this occurs and I would hate to cause any undue suffering to friends or family."

Edward frowned and nodded his agreement with the Admiral. "Sir if there's anything we can do you have our complete support. I met Fisher several months ago and was highly impressed with his skills."

"Very well then Captain, I'll let you get back to your work. By the way deck 23 is ready for a sign off as completed. I advised the contractors to get out yesterday. You and the XO will have to come down for a tour and check out ZEUS."

Edward smiled, "I would be glad to check out your system, I've heard it's very powerful."

"Just for your information your crew is superb Fannin, keep them on task and you'll do well." Stone patted Edward on the shoulder and left the office flirting with Command Yeoman James as he left...


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Rear Admiral Nickolas Stone
Director, Theta Fleet Intelligence
USB typhon


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