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Volunteers for the recon

Posted on Tue Feb 2nd, 2010 @ 7:30am by Commodore Edward Fannin

433 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Tiberius 'V'
Timeline: current

"Hello Major Reynolds, I finally found you." Mike said as he walked over to the marine. "I just wanted t let you know that commander Johnson Ok'ed the Cadets for your recon, I asked them and three are going with you if you still want them?"

Erwin smiled. "This will be a pretty long range recon, I'd love to have them along, I'll also have Two marines to certify tagging along. Please inform them it will be a six day mission through hard terrain."

Just give me a time and a place and they will be there, I am sure one of your Sergeants will check them out. Brad talon thinks he is a Marine I think so they should be properly equipped." Mike chuckled, "at least according to some manual he would have found." Lee Quan is a scientist type and he will be asking to gather samples, just so you know what to expect. He is a sensible young man and he will snap to when you say to. Patrick is the only one I worry about, he has his head in the clouds too often. If you pair them up, I hope he gets the most grizzled grumpiest man you got!" Mike smiled warmly, "Not that I am trying to run your outfit major, just giving you the inside scoop."

"Outstanding, Please have them report to the Third Battalion sergeant Major at dawn tomorrow We'll be inserted 100 Clicks north of here on a Classified Training mission. Requested by The marine Commander on Typhon."

"They are solid young men Major, you treat them like that and they will do whatever they can to get the job done. They are probably older then many of your own marines."

"They shall be well seasoned when they return Sir, I assure you of that."

"Well two of them wil take to the training and enjoy it, Patrick on the other hand, well it will be interesting to see how this works out for him. The seasoning that is, it will be something to see when he returns."

"Good I'll watch over them closely, sergeant Major Knight will need them ready to go at first light."

"Well then I best get to the shuttle and replicate them some marine uniforms, so they at least look like they belong." Mike stepped back to turn and leave, "Safe trip Major, I will buy the drinks when we get home!"

Reynolds waved as the commander was off getting equipment.


Major Erwin Reynolds
Commander, 3rd Battalion, 21st Marines
USB Typhon

Commander Mike Hawkins
Academy Instructor TDY
USB Typhon


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