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Diplomatic Arrival

Posted on Tue Feb 2nd, 2010 @ 4:27am by Commodore Edward Fannin

515 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: VIP Reception Hall
Timeline: Current


Faron stepped off the turbo-lift, and approached the Marine honor guard. His strange footwear, made of a resilient fabric, with no soles, made next to no noise when he walked.

He stopped at the end of the Red carpet.

Captain Fannin was wearing his new dress uniform and was Accompanied Several department representatives...

Fannin stepped forward, "Greetings Ambassador Lenar. Welcome to starbase Typhon. I hope your journey was a pleasant one."

"It was." Faron said with a nod. "But Ambassador Lenar is a little high class, Captain. Please, call me Faron."

"As you wish Faron, your quarters have been prepared for your arrival. I hope you find them to your needs."

Faron smiled. "I'm certain Amalia will have them well decorated within the hour. I don't suppose you have a moment or two to brief me on likely diplomatic issues in the area, that I should know about?"

"Absolutely", Fannin walked through a set of double doors into a Small meeting chamber. The wall sized view screen came on with a layout of surrounding space.

"This is the Tiberius system here, Located about five light years from the starbase. The planet Tiberius five is beginning to be developed by colony leases. One of which is the Damron Group, I'm sure your well aware of the infamous Morgan Damron. As we are new here there isn't much more than that yet. I expect a flurry of Diplomatic activity as you have arrived."

"Good stuff. I'll have time to get settled in, then." Faron said with a nod.

"If I do hear of anything I shall have you notified, All diplomatic messages have been routed to the office in your private quarters."

"Wonderful. I'll be available, should anything arise." Faron said with a nod.

Fannin nodded and walked with the Ambassador to the lift station.

"Do you anticipate any problems with any neighboring force, power, or species?" Faron asked.

"I'm expecting the worse from the Romulans at all times. Some pirate issues have occurred. The Damron Group could always be a problem. Other than that no Sir, no fires to fight just yet as the stations only been here a month and a half."

"That is all well and good, but please, don't call me sir. I'm an Ambassador, and a Psychologist, but my reserve rank is only Lieutenant. You make me feel old, Captain, by referring to me as 'Sir'." Faron said, with a slight laugh.

"Sorry, just a habit of mine Faron, I'm hoping you enjoy your stay here."

"I'm fairly certain I will." Faron said with a smile.

"Faron I regret I must return to the bridge for shift changeover. I hope to invite you and your family to dinner at my quarters after you get settled."

"Certainly." Faron said with a nod. "I will not keep you for your duties."

Fannin offered the Ambassador his hand and departed the reception area. "It was a pleasure to meet you Faron."

Faron shook it, and nodded. "And you, Captain."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Ambassador Faron Lenar
Federation Ambassador,
USB Typhon


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