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Prisoner of Typhon

Posted on Wed Feb 3rd, 2010 @ 5:41am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Krang Darkmoon

509 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Security Deck, Holding area
Timeline: Current


Fannin and the Marine squad arrived with the hooded prisoner rolling the containment chair pasted the security checkpoint. The prisoner had been sedated and was very groggy after the removal of the mechanical arm. he was further scanned for any other poisonous items located on his body.

Fannin looked at the senior security officer on duty. "Can you locate Commander Darkmoon and have him meet me here, please inform him that it's very important."

Krang was out in the outer ring, dealing with a black market sale of Romulan disruptor when his commbadge went off. "I'm on my way." he said in answer to the hail. When the connection was cut, he tapped his commbadge again and called for a site to site transport to the Captain's location.

As the shimmering light released him, he walked over to the group and took in the scene. "When you said it was important, you weren't teasing huh?"

"Not really Commander, I bring you a saboteur...." Fannin looked and the slumped body of his prisoner...

"That's a new one on me. Where did we catch this rat?"

The Marines caught him in one of there armories. He had a poison tooth he attempted to activate. I had his mechanical arm removed. He's a pretty well trained operator I didn't want to take any chances with him. His name is Trevor Kupal. Former Marine now federation citizen. I'm not sure he has been fed or given any water. He'll be coming around soon. Perhaps we can get some questions answered."

The captain handed Krang a PADD. "They found this on him. The Colonel stated it had some interesting info on the Damron Group on it but I haven't seen it. I will leave his custody to your capable hands but recommend a high risk cell housing and a suicide watch."

"Damron." Krang said as if the word tasted bad, "Why am I not surprised?" he asked as he took the offered PADD. He then motioned Ramone over and gave him directions of where to put the prisoner and to set up a suicide watch.

"Alright Captain, he's in good hands now. I will make sure he's here and alive when you need to talk to him, and I will go over this with a fine tooth comb." he said, indicating the PADD. "I should have a full report by morning."

"Excellent, I don't need to remind you that if Mr. Kupal requests counsel the questioning will stop. If he wants to talk lets make sure we have our best Betaziod in there. Thanks for coming back Krang this needed your personal attention. I have a feeling our friend Morgan will be very involved with this process."

"By the book, Got it, Sir. In fact, I will probably call a lawyer end from the beginning, just to cover all the bases." He said as he followed Ramone and the prisoner out of the room.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security / [SRT Leader]
Starbase Typhon


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