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A Jailed Marine

Posted on Wed Feb 3rd, 2010 @ 1:17am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

779 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Marine Brig, Deck 73
Timeline: Current


Fannin arrived deck 73, he knew he was in marine country the moment he stepped off the lift, It all came back to him. He brushed off the nostalgic memory and headed toward the Marine Brig.

"....You've been out for what 4 years? Since you were a marine with a honorable, medical discharge If you just help us out a bit we can definitely help you out. Surely, you don't want to spend the next 25 years on a maximum security penal colony..." Wilhelm said to the prisoner as he seen the Captain walk in.

"Fannin watched as the Colonel talked to the young Man."

"Ah, Captain. Meet former Armory Corporal Trevor Kupal, the reason for my more recent headaches, caught in the act of sabotage with some very interesting, Damron related, reading. Kupal, this is Captain Fannin, CO of this Starbase..."

Fannin looked at kupal. "Do you have a desire to co-operate with this investigation?"

The Captain wasn't going to waste anytime with this subject. He needed some answers and he needed them very quickly.

A very mentally drained Kupal looked at the Captain, "Sir. I wasn't even supposed to get caught....alive....I can't tell you anything because you can't protect me..."

"I understand your situation Mr. Kupal. But don't under estimate my functions here on this vessel." Fannin turned to the Colonel. "Could I talk to you privately for a few minutes?"

"This vay sir." Wilhelm says extending his arm to an adjacent room.

"Colonel, is Mr. Kupal currently in the Star fleet Marine corps?"

"No sir. Discharged four years ago after a terrorist attack in the Romulan Reconstruction Zone after the Dominion War. His entire right arm is mechanical. Physically he could re-up, but mentally not. When we caught him he was almost fanatical..." Wilhelm replied.

"We are very lucky he was caught before he concluded his business in your armoury Colonel, my complements to your men."

"I shall let them know sir. I'm also glad I enacted those new security measures as well. I just hope he was the only one that ruined Bravo Armory. That was a mess..."

"We do however have a major problem to solve, and that's why I'm here."

"I definitely agree sir. Personally, I'd give him the firing squad, during the war it would've worked but now... I also suspect he has the backing of the Damron Group. He was captured with a PADD with alot of their more 'personal' information on it. Here's a decrypted copy of it." Wilhelm said while handing the Captain a new PADD.

"Our situation is clear, the prisoner is not subject to military law as he is a Federation citizen. I need him sedated immediately and his mechanical arm removed. Place him in a containment restraint chair and transport him to the high security section under Commander Darkmoon. Has he requested legal counsel?" Fannin placed the padd under his arm.

"Aye sir." Wilhelm said with a nod of disappointment, =^= Sergeant Major van-Zhee. Get a medic and a squad to the marine brig on the double. =^=

"Very Good, as The Marine commander you shall be the primary complainant for the Fleet, you will need to proceed with your investigation. If possible I shall have more information from him after his mind has been cracked by a very good Betaziod."

"Very well sir." Wilhelm said as he could hear boots marching into the next room. "I also need your approval on two more matters as well." Wilhelm took out another PADD, "One matter is that I'm requesting an escorted convoy to our outpost on Tiberius V. The last of the materials for that outpost are ready to go, including a photon torpedo launcher, 2 micro-torpedo launchers, and couple of pulse phaser batteries with ammunition. Hence an armed escort. Also, I am planning a training mission where B Company from Second Battalion will do a zero g insertion and try to infiltrate the outpost itself."

"Very well colonel. I read a report that Major Reynolds is on a long range recon mission with a few Cadets and should be out for a few days." He is in contact I'm sure. The training would be excellent for the 2nd battalion. The 3rd's landing was quite an achievement. Your Command is strong Colonel."

"Thank you Captain. I was thinking more along the lines of a surprise assault on Third Battalion positions. So I can see how good the Major really is. If that'll be all sir, I must see to the prisoner." Wilhelm said.

"Absolutely, I'll stand by and go with the escort."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Regiment CO
Starbase Typhon


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