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Reporting in

Posted on Wed Feb 3rd, 2010 @ 1:13pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

198 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: current


Jerry had found his way to the Captains ready room. He banged on the door..

Fannin jumped from his desk, "Come in" He saw a young Marine Major who was very alarmed at his own strength..

"Marine Major Parino reporting as ordered sir."

Fannin returned the salute. "Have a seat major, how was your trip? I hope you didn't have to much trouble getting here to Typhon."

"No sir, the trip was fine, a long one but fine. What duties will I be doing here?"

"From what I can tell you will be assigned to the First battalion, but that's up to the Colonel. This is a very active Marine regiment here so your going to be very busy."

"I see from your record that this is your First Command. It's a big bite for an officer without any field experience, don't let that slow you down. Listen to the Colonel he'll get you on the right track."

"If there's nothing else sir I would like to report in to my unit."

Fannin stood and shook his hand. "Glad your here with us Major and good luck. I'll look in on you in a few days."



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