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Posted on Sat Dec 19th, 2009 @ 7:18pm by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commodore Edward Fannin

724 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Adamo's Italian Cafe`
Timeline: Current

"Computer, locate Captain Edward Fannin," Jackson announced as he was walking down the hallway.

=A= Captain Fannin is located in Adamo's Italian Cafe`. =A=

"Perfect!" Luke said aloud. He wanted to talk to the captain in a more casual setting, and this cafe` be just the place. The only problem was, he had no idea where the the place was. He grabbed a PADD that he was given; it contained a map of the ship. Once the cafe` was finally located, he got into a turbolift.


Luke casually walked into the cafe`. It doubled a bakery, and the smell of Italian bread and coffee meshed beautifully. Upon walking to the main counter, he ordered a Cinnamon Dolche` Latte`— a favorite of his back home. As he took the freshly made latte`, he spotted and walked over to the captain.

"Captain? Do you mind if I have a mini-meeting with you?"

Fannin was digging into a giant plate of hand made cannelloni, "Buy all means, Have a chair"

There wasn't another chair at the table, so Luke "stole" one from another spot. He sat down and took a sip of his latte. "First of all, I was wondering if we could talk about the garrison vessels—specifically, the Oberth-Class. The design is out-of-date by at least 80 years. Since the vessel hasn't arrived at the station yet, so I was wondering if we could change the vessels that we dedicate to science."

Fannin wiped his moth, "I don't see why not. I'll get a hold of Fleet and see whats available. They should have something for us out there."

"Alright. Thanks! I was thinking something along the lines of two Nova-Class vessels. They're only eight decks large, but it is a technically advanced model. Please just let me know, so I can send some specifications in for them to get altered." Jackson paused, then lowered his voice.

"Now, I have something to discuss that's a little more secretive." Luke looked around the cafe`. There weren't many people around...Just Adamo, himself, tending the counter. "Ever since Typhon's conception, I was given the task of heading up a team to create a new and innovative type of shielding-system for starbases, but it will eventually be adaptable to starships. The system isn't quite complete, so I need a Level 10 security clearance laboratory to finish the research on. This defense system is set to be the most advanced in the galaxy. If any other organization would get their hand's on it, complete failure of the Federation would be imminent."

"Hmm, I see Commander, In the outer ring we have a lot of areas that you may be able to use, There's quarantine areas too. Get out there and take a look. But I need that area well secured and access restricted. I won't ask you who tasked you but will be monitoring the project closely."

"Thank you, Captain. I was just about to head over there to check out some of the Military Sciences and Engineering Labs. My research and development team, including our security force should be arriving shortly. We will set up base in one of the Level 10 Access Tactical Testing Facilities. The time line of the project is unknown, but I'm sure that you will be in awe by the results."

"Lets be sure we keep your research as low key as possible As you have your own Security you will have to advise our Security Chief when he arrives that you have your own people on this."

"Don't worry," Luke began, "I will make sure that all is taken care of when he arrives. For now, the only thing that would appear out of the ordinary is that my team will arrive in two cloaked Talon-Class runabouts, with a cloak-enabled Wyvern-Class transporter following. I have already alerted the control room, so they don't start open-firing." Jackson gave a small chuckle.

"Good man, always remember the details."

"Thanks," Lucas seemed to repeat again. "Well, I better be going...Labs don't inspect and prepare themselves! Again, thank you so much for hearing me out and helping me with all this." Jackson pushed out his chair and stood up. "Good day, Captain."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon

Adamo Toleti
Civilian—Adamo's Italian Cafe`, Owner
USB Typhon


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