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Setting up Base

Posted on Sun Dec 20th, 2009 @ 2:04am by Commander Lucas Jackson

279 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Tactical Testing Facility II, Deck 5 of Outer Ring
Timeline: Current

"Computer, open doors," Jackson commanded as he stood in front of the large Tactical Testing Facility's doors. He knew this would ignite a string of various commands.

=A= Conducting a full bio-comparison scan. *** Scan complete. Identity confirmed as Jackson, Lucas Andrew. Lieutenant Commander, Chief Science Officer, USB Typhon. Please state Level 10 access code. =A=


=A= Access code confirmed. Permission to enter granted. =A=

The doors to the large bay/laboratory opened. As quickly as they opened, the doors shut and locked. Lights in the bay were off. "Computer, lights." Suddenly, the facility illuminated with a dazzling spectrum of lights. Blues, greens, reds, yellows, each meaning something different. Right now, the room was ordinary; all it comprises of is "normal" level 10 machinery.

Luke was in awe. The room was actually finished. No doubt, the ones spear-heading the project made sure that these labs were put on the top of the priority list. Everything was so metallic and shiny. Jackson couldn't wait till all his labs were in this condition. He gave a little scream for joy inside of himself.

He walked over to a console and started inputting various names and access codes, so the other members of the team would be able to access the facility. Sliding to the next console down, he started pressing buttons with ferocious speed. A bio-force field was placed around the room and the cargo bay designated for "secret" storage, that was a deck down.

There wasn't much else to do until the rest of his team arrived, so he walked back out of the room, remembering to turn out the lights.


Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon


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