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Breakfast With Some Friends

Posted on Sun Dec 20th, 2009 @ 4:25pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

318 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: General Confrernece Room Deck 23
Timeline: Before First watch


Captain Fannin ceased to be surprised anymore of the sheer size of locations on the Typhon, the General Conference room could hold 500 guests very comfortably. The occasion was a breakfast buffet with a rather large group of the stations junior Officers. A meet and greet affair. He entered the room with Yeoman James in tow and worked his way down the line introducing himself and chatting with those waiting to meet him. Ed got a plate and was sitting at the head table, really didn't get a chance to eat much as his hosts continued to wander to the head table to meet him.

His table was full of Second and third year Cadets and were very quiet until he got them talking about their studies and were they were from. It was interesting conversation and Ed thrived at it. He noticed several Senior officers were making there way in also peeking around to see what was going on. Yeoman Jame shooed them out... As the meal was just about complete Fannin took the podium to say a few words.

The room was still. "I would like to thank the junior Officers association for inviting me to this gathering of future leaders. Over the next few days I hope to see you all again at your work stations as I wander through. This is an exciting time for you and I want you to know I share that feeling. Again thanks for the chow. First watch starts in ten minutes, now that we have been fed lets get to work. Thank you."

The room was called to attention as Fannin walked out and headed for the main control area. Turning to James, "Well how did that go?" She shrugged, "Good sir, but you may have traumatized the Cadet sitting next to you when you sat down and said Howdy..."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon


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