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A Trip to the Typhon

Posted on Sun Feb 7th, 2010 @ 10:14am by Commander Raven Adams & Commodore Edward Fannin

662 words; about a 3 minute read

Timeline: current


Rear Admiral Kathryn Burke stood on the bridge of the Tolkien as it came into dock.

She turned to the communications officer. "Contact Captain Fannin. Tell him I wish to meet with him in his office in 30 minutes." That should give him enough time to finish whatever he was doing.

With a nod to the Captain, she went to her quarters to prepare for what promised to be a lengthy

[30 minutes later]

Kathryn walked into the Captain's reception area outside his office. She smiled at the receptionist. "Admiral Burke to see Captain Fannin."

Fannin stepped from the Ready Room. "Admiral Burke." He snapped to attention an saluted the Admiral.

Kathryn waved off the salute. "There's no need for that, Captain. I let Admiral McGinley do the pomp and circumstance. I just talk to people." She smiled as she sat in a chair across from his desk. "I'm here on fleet business. I'll be talking with various ship Captains as they come here for resupply." Her expression grew more serious. "I would also like an update on Morgan Damron. From what I hear her ships start arriving next week."

Fannin waved the Admiral into the ready room. "Morgan Damron is a quiet front at the moment. As you know that can change at any time. She has signed the federation lease agreement and I suppose beginning preparations to move to the Planet. As far as her incoming vessels I have not heard anything yet."

"The main colony from Earth should arrive in about a week, according to Starfleet Intelligence," Kathryn informed him. "The other colonies will arrive shortly thereafter. From what I hear she's bringing in people to put up pre-fabricated buildings to house everyone. The Damron Group is spending a small fortune to get everything ready on time -- not that they don't have it to spend, mind you. A number of businesses are quite happy right now."

"I'm not looking forward to the group arriving but will be glad to have her leave the station soon."

"Starfleet Command is thrilled," she said wryly.

"Not as thrilled as I admiral Burke. The Damron Group aside what brings you to Typhon?"

"Fleet business, mostly. I need to meet with a number of Captains who will be stopping at the Starbase over the next few weeks," Kathryn replied. "To that end, I will need an office for the duration. My yeoman can help with the details."

"Offices and quarters are being prepared for you and your staff as we speak. That will be on Deck 24, The vip quarters, ready room and com center are at your disposal. Security will be notified and standing by if you need them."

"Thank you, Captain," Kathryn said, smiling. "I appreciate it." She paused. "How are things going on Typhon?"

"Things are going full bore here. The docking bays are full of starships. Trade is starting to boom and with the new system hundreds of colonists and business owners are beginning to arrive. The station has been working fine. The marines have found a saboteur and he's under lock and key. His motives are yet unclear. There are suggestions he may have been from the Damron group. We're working on that one."

Kathryn raised an eyebrow. "Keep me informed about that. I'd like to know if he really has ties to the Damron Group or if he just wants you to think so."

"So would I, I shall keep you informed with the investigation. I have my best man on it right now. Commander Krang Darkmoon is truly an expert in investigations."

"Excellent. Thank you, Captain. I am sure I'll have more questions -- and need more help -- before too much longer," Kathryn said, standing. "I won't take up more of your time. If there is anything I can do to help you, just let me know."

"Yes admiral call on me anytime."


Vice-Admiral Kathryn Burke
DCINC, Theta Fleet

Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding officer
Starbase Typhon


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