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Locating some Lakefront Property

Posted on Tue Feb 16th, 2010 @ 1:06pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

273 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Typon shuttle bay / Tiberous V
Timeline: current


Fannin boarded his new Captains yacht, he waved to his pilot Ensign Fox as he stepped into the cabin, followed close behind by Yeoman James and two security Officers. He understood the need for security while he was off the station and didn't mind the extra company at all. He hadn't been off the station since his arrival and was really looking forward to some firm ground under his feet. Fannin missed the dirt the most....

"Ensign Fox, please set a course for Camp Stonebreaker on Tiberius V please."

Fannin settled down in the comfortable executive chair and was given a tall glass of water from the vessels chief steward crewman Jackson. The runabout taxied and departed the Starbase smartly followed by A squadron of Valkyrie Fighters who really enjoyed showing off their takeoff skills. Edward felt very safe being escorted by these fighters....

It was a short trip to The planet, he was sure to tell Fox not to fly over any property owned by the Damron Group, he wasn't sure if he would be shot down...

He was given a few spots to check out by the Science team that looked good for the Avalon Project. Ed was amazed at the Gaul the corporation had by sending the Build team ship before Fleet had approved their charter, but that was how you made money these days, getting in before anyone else could. The planet building boom was in full swing now. The shuttle turned and they were on Final approach to Camp Stonebreaker. Which was turning into a fairly large Marine Base...


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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