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Need to Fly

Posted on Sat Feb 13th, 2010 @ 4:34am by Lieutenant Cole Russo & Captain Anna Johnson

471 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: SB Typhon
Timeline: Current

Jax and Wes were strolling through the promenade, hand in hand. Jeremy was trying to swing Jax's arm off and pointing at anything and everything. Jax was smiling down at the kid. He needed to talk to Wes, though. Wes had hopes of getting married eventually; he didn't. Jax wasn't ready to get married. He didn't know if he ever would be. Jax's stomach started to growl. He saw a bar and restaurant not far from where they were. Jax thought it looked okay, not too bad, and he thought they might have his brand of beer.

"This place looks good" Wes said.

He was just thinking along these lines when Jeremy ran off towards a shop. "JEREMY, STOP!" Jax yelled. His heart leapt into his throat as a woman in a gold uniform dived for the boy.

"Whoa there little one where do you think you are going too alone. It's not safe to run around the starbase with out a grown up at your age." Anna said as she got down at his eye level.

Jeremy was still eying the pilots equipment shop, "wanna she the, shop" Jeremy wined.

"I'm not telling you that you can't see the shop but wait for the grown ups you are with to go in with you. There are too many people here for you to run off alone. If I hadn't been a nice person it could have gotten bad quickly." Anna explained.

Wes came over to Jeremy and picked him up, "Thanks, Ma'am," He said. "We can go see the shop after we eat lunch, We don't have to check in on the Alabama for a few hours."

"No problem. I'm glad I was here to help." Anna said and held out her hand, "Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson, Chief of Operations and acting XO of the Starbase."

"LTJG Wes Landsberg, Assistant Chief Medical Officer of the USS Alabama." Wes said were just jumping ship and getting ready to check in.

"She's a great ship. She should serve you well." Anna said. Then looked at the young boy, "If its okay with Mr. Landsberg here I would be glad to take you to the docking area where you can look out at all the ships that are docked here." Anna said.

Jax looked at the woman; she was very pretty. He mentally shook himself and held Jeremy's little hand. "Don't scare us like that again, okay, Sport?"

"Just let me know when you want to go see the ships." Anna said. "You can contact me at the ops station."

"Sure thing," Wes said as they went their separate ways and the three went to the restaurant.

Lieutenant Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Acting XO
Starbase Typhon

LTJG Wes Landsberg
USS Alabama

Ens Brian 'Jax' Jackson [NPC]
Science Officer
USS Alabama


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