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More Things To Do

Posted on Sat Feb 13th, 2010 @ 2:59am by Captain Anna Johnson

522 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Ops
Timeline: Current

Austin walked into the Operations Offices, looking for the chief operations officer. He looked around and saw the distinctive red hair of LCdr Johnson, talking to her assistant. "Evening, ma'am," Austin said. His drawl was getting thicker now that Tex was around.

A lot of other engineers came in after him, including Anders. He nodded at the older man, who nodded back. They waited patiently for whomever called them to come tell them what needed to be fixed.

"If you can spare the extra hands we have several replicators malfunctioning in our temporary quarters. Since these are limited I could use the extra hands to get them fixed. Also I would like someone to check on the holodecks to make sure they are working properly. If any of them have shown signs of tampering or malfunctioning I want to know about it right away." Anna deliberately didn't say which holodeck she was curious about to see what they came up with.

Austin frowned. Someone had gotten hurt, and it had been in a holodeck. "We'll do that right away, ma'am."

"I also need an update on the repairs of the Orion and I have a request that for now at least you leave the rest of the systems checks on the Alabama to her crew." Anna stated.

Austin nodded. "Yes ma'am. I'll get right on that report."

"If you have any other questions let me know." Anna said and handed him a PADD, "Here are the rooms with the faulty replicators."

Austin took the padd and looked at it, tapping it to scroll down before looking back up at the commander. "Yes ma'am, we'll get right on it. Anything else you need help with?" He knew there probably wasn't, but he asked anyway.

"Not at the moment." Anna said, "If I think of anything else I will gladly let you know." Anna added with a smile.

The big Texan nodded. "Yes, ma'am, we'll get to it now." He turned to the others. "Let's go, guys." He thought he would tell them who did what outside Ops, that way he didn't interrupt the functioning of Ops while they were busy working.

"Keep me updated as you finish things." Anna said.

He turned and raised his hand, smiling, indicating he understood. "Yes, ma'am." He and the others stopped a little ways outside Ops. "Okay, Kajinski, you're on replicator duty." He handed the Russian the padd. The blonde looked at it for a moment, then headed to the habitat levels. He turned to Anders. "Anders, you are coming with me for the holodecks." He didn't let on that something was up, but Anders wasn't a dumb guy; he knew something was up; he knew someone had gotten hurt.

Austin turned to the others. "The rest of ya'll get started helping Nunez and Jenkins on the Orion."

They didn't look happy, but turned and headed in that direction. "Come on, Matt."

Austin and Matt left for the holodecks, wondering what they'd find. It was one of those days...


Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief Operations Officer/Acting XO
SB Typhon

Lt Austin Greenwood
SB Typhon


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