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Prisoner of Typhon Cont.

Posted on Thu Feb 11th, 2010 @ 6:11am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Raven Adams

937 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: High Security Brig
Timeline: Current


Prisoner Trevor Kupal awoke with a massive hangover. "I didn't go drinking..." Kupal looks around at his surroundings, "Never mind..." Kupal mutters to himself. Sitting up, Trevor thinks to himself, "The Priestess is not gonna like this..."

Krang saw on the monitor that the prisoner was starting to stir. He walked up to the force field, "Good morning, Starbase. The earth says hello." he said, quite pleased with himself.

Kupal stares up at Krang through hung-over eyes, "Ohh look! I didn't think this was a petting zoo." Kupal says with a sneer.

Krang crossed his arms across his chest and sighed. "Wow, that one cut deep. I hadn't heard that one before." he said, his voice thick with sarcasm. "I bet it took you all morning to think of that one."

"Monkey does have a bite...Now if you would be so kind," Kupal let the sentence hang, "Get me a lawyer. I'm not saying anything to no one without one present..." Kupal said with finality.

"I have looked at your file. Having no record of employment or much of anything else tells me you can't afford a lawyer. The public defender's office said that they might be able to get someone here by Thursday. I guess you'll just have to sit and stew till then." Krang said with a smile.

"Just let me have my one "phone call" then." Kupal said with disappointment while eyeing the room. "I'll keep it quick."

"You watch too many old movies." Krang responded and turned to walk away.

"Well your loss...." Kupal said with a shrug.

"It's no loss for me. I'm not the one living in a 10 by 10 cell on bread and water for the next 3 days."

Kupal replied. "Well if you want to play it that way. Per civilian law I am allowed to personally send a message or COMM to inform whom I deem necessary of my current....situation."

Krang dropped the force field, tossed a PADD onto the floor and raised the field again. "Write a note. I'll make sure it gets the right people."

Just then the doors to the brig opened and Morgan Damron sailed in, obviously put out about having to deal with this issue herself. But, as it dealt with Starfleet, and she was trying to play nice, she chose to take care of this matter personally.

She walked up to Krang and looked him up and down, obviously missing nothing. "Krang Darkmoon. I am Morgan Damron. I hear you have a prisoner who claims to be one of my followers."

"The infamous Morgan Damron." Krang repeated. "I have been looking forward to meeting you, but the circumstances could be better." He pointed to the man in the cell and said, "He's the one."

Kupal got a quick look of terror when Morgan glanced over at him....

Morgan chose to address Krang first. "Yes. These aren't the best of circumstances, are they? I'd hoped to meet you over dinner as I'm sure I'll be needing your services at some point." Then she turned to Kupal. She looked at him carefully for a full minute. "Who are you?"

"Trevor Kupal ma'am." Kupal said with a small bow of introduction.

"Well, Mr. Kupal, why am I hearing your name connected with mine?" Morgan asked in a haughty voice.

"Ms. Damron, I never said I was associated with the Damron Group." Kupal said humbly, "They supposedly found a PADD, with Damron Group information on it, near me when I was.... incarcerated." Kupal stated.

"There's no 'supposedly' to it." Krang said. He walked over to the desk and picked up the duplicate copy he made for such this reason and brought it over and handed it to Morgan. "This is what we found when we arrested him."

Morgan took the PADD and thumbed through it. Then she looked at Kupal. "What is the meaning of this?" she asked haughtily.

"I have no idea what the furry security officer is trying to accuse me of ma'am. I didn't bring no PADD with me when they caught me...." Kupal stated then he shrugged, " You know these security types. Always trying to bring more suspects into investigations."

"I'm not a suspect and I take a very dim view of people who try and make me one. The Damron Group does not stoop to your level. We don't have to." She gave him a penetrating stare. "I also take a dim view of having to come to a Starfleet brig to clear my name."

Kupal glanced at Darkmoon then back to Morgan, "Ma'am. I did not say you were a suspect even though the security officer might be thinking it. I just meant these security people like blaming more than just the one who was caught, IE me." Kupal thought to himself, "I'm trying to get her out of this but she is just not taking the hint! Ohh she's gonna off me as soon as she gets a clear shot."

Morgan had never seen this man before. There was something about him that made her very uncomfortable. The way he talked clearly indicated that he was trying to involve the Damron Group and get the base security mad at both of them. "Commander, the Damron Group does not use sabotage. We don't blow things up. Whatever he says, he's lying. Bring in your Betazoids and your Vulcans. Force the truth out of him. If he says I condoned this, he's lying. Dig deeper."

=/\\=To be continued =/\\=

Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon

Trevor Kupal
Starbase Typhon Brig

Morgan Damron (NPC)
CEO, Damron Corporation


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