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Arranging an Arboretum

Posted on Sun Dec 20th, 2009 @ 8:46pm by Commander Lucas Jackson

370 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Arboretum Level 1, Deck 212
Timeline: Current

"BE CAREFUL!" yelled Jackson. The trip to the Arboretum has created the most annoyance for the Lieutenant Commander since he boarded the base. Since a Chief Botanist had yet to be decided for the starbase, all of the botanical duties were given to Jackson. Although he didn't mind being "demoted" to gardener; Luke had majored in Botany while at the Academy.

He walked over to some men. "That is a sacred alvera tree! You have to be gentle when you put its roots into the ground. The tree was given to us by the Kreetassan people. If they were to find any improper treatment of that alvera tree, it is likely that the whole Federation's deal with the Kreetassan's and their plasma injectors would go down the drain!"

"Fine, we'll do it your way, Lieutenant Commander," replied an Andorian male.

"Watch your sarcasm, Ensign. I could have you off this ship faster than a Capellan flower dies. Now, take care when placing the root system into the soil. This tree is over 400 years old."

The arboretum aboard the Typhon was a multi-deck complex. Its outer shell had been completed, and planting had just started. The spacious gardens would include many rare and beautiful plants. Many of the members of the Federation have given foliage for Typhon's arboretum in appreciation for the starbase being built.

Turning around, Lucas nearly died at the sight he saw. "What do you think you're doing?!" Two men were carrying a crate full of beautiful flowers. The men were bouncing the crate up and down leisurely.

"You must be careful with those," Jackson began. " These are extremely rare Antarian moon blossoms. They were brought back from the Delta Quadrant on the USS Voyager. If even one of them were to die from your jostling of that crate, both of your jobs within the Federation would cease to exist."

There were a lot more plants with this kind of status that needed to be brought into the arboretum and planted, but Luke didn't have the time to baby-sit the operation. He looked around and appointed one of his old Academy buddies, who was cataloging all of the plants that came in.


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