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Exporing the Promenade

Posted on Sun Feb 14th, 2010 @ 5:12am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Raven Adams

789 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Starbase Typhon Promenade


Jana was wandering through the Promenade checking out the different shops. She was thinking about changing her hair color again but hadn't yet. She was browsing at the moment not sure what she wanted to do or what she wanted to eat but she was tired of being cooped up in a tight space and therefore was walking now. She hadn't met any of the other crew besides Dhindara so she was also people watching and getting quite a few stares because of her appearance. Dressed in black and her typical make up she didn't care if they stared or not really it would mean most people would leave her alone.

Raven was looking through a pewter store. The owner occasionally had interesting dragons and she wanted to see what was in the new shipment that week. She paused for a moment to admire the new window display with a medieval table setting.

Seeing the dragons out of the corner of her eye Jana stopped as well. I wasn't exactly something she could get for Eleanore but was interesting none the less. She noticed the person next to her had similar style to hers but didn't say anything just yet.

Raven glanced up at the girl who stopped to look in the window and smiled. "They have excellent pieces, don't they?" she asked. She noticed the girl's black clothes and dark makeup, but said nothing about it.

"They do though I was more looking for something that my cat Elenore might like." Jana said, "I don't think a dragon falls into that category. Though I do need something to make my room more me since I just got here." She added.

"There's a nice little shop down the way that sells blankets and pillows and such. You might find something for your cat there," Raven replied. "As for making your room more 'you,' that all depends on what 'you' is. Me, I like dragons. And ravens. So I like to stop by here from time to time."

"Dragons and ravens are good as well as dark colors. The standard color of the room is so drab." Jana said.

"That's the point. It's standard. Generic, non-descript. It's supposed to be inoffensive and simple. If you want to make your own room reflect your own style, you are probably welcome to do so. That would be up to your parents, of course, but it shouldn't be a problem."

Jana's face sank a bit and she cleared her throat before speaking, "Both my parents are dead. I came here to live with my sister Anna Johnson." She said.

"I'm so sorry," Raven said quietly. "And I'm sorry I brought up painful memories. I know who your sister is. I haven't met her yet, but I hear she's a nice person. I'm sure she'll let you decorate your room as you wish. Maybe she'll even help you?"

"She gave me some credits to get some things just in case I wanted something more unique than I can get from the replicator." Jana answered. "So what do you do here?" She asked.

"I'm over Intelligence," Raven replied.

"That sounds interesting." Jana said. "I'm good at going unnoticed when I want to." She added with a slight chuckle then turned back to the window. "So which one were you looking at?" She asked.

Raven pointed to a raven with wings extended over an old-fashioned mantle clock made of teak and pewter. "That one appeals to me."

"Quote the Raven 'Nevermore,'" Jana said and smiled. "I'm afraid Elenore might attack it if I got anything resembling a bird."

Raven grinned. "I love Poe. He's one of my favorite authors. You have an Eleanor?"

Jana nodded, "A kitten, solid black." she said, "If she had been a boy I probably would have called him Edgar."

"I have an AI named Edgar. He's a raven," Raven replied with a smile. "He's my computer interface."

"That sounds cool." Jana said with a smile, "I would love to see it sometime."

"Come by my office some time. I'll introduce you," Raven said.

"Thanks," Jana said then noticed the store that Raven had mentioned earlier, "I think I may get Elenore a bed and blanket of her own." She said pointing to the window of the next store.

"That sounds like a good idea," Raven replied. "Have fun!"

"It was nice meeting you." Jana said softly.

"It was nice meeting you, too. I will see you around!" Raven said. She smiled and waved at Jana before she went into the store to have a closer look at the mantle clock.

Jana Johnson (NPC'd by Anna)
Misunderstood Sister


Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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