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Back to work

Posted on Thu Feb 11th, 2010 @ 3:05pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

624 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Operations
Timeline: Current

Anna approached deck 12 with cookies in hand from the tea room. She placed the package on her desk and retrieved hot water and made herself a cup of lady grey tea. Once it was ready she took it and the cookies over to Fannin's office and rang the chime.


Anna stepped through the doors and smiled, "Thought you might like to know I'm back and ready for a shift if you need a break." Anna said taking a seat and taking one of the cookies and setting the box where Fannin could get one if he wanted to.

Fannin looked at the cookies and turned away, "I think getting the USS Orion ready would be a big priority with our Engineering department so after them about it."

"I can do that and offer some of my team to help if needed." Anna said, "Did I miss out on anything important while I was gone?"

"Not really, and then yes depending on what was going on.. It 's a busy place here. I'm sure if we knew everything that was going on we'd never get anything done."

"I'm sure we don't WANT to know everything that is going on here." Anna said then added, "Jana is going to get a check up today just as a precaution to be sure she isn't bringing anything onto the starbase and to give the doctor her records. I will give her some time to settle in a bit then get her into school." Anna said.

"That's good, When you get that done, if you can get me some information about the Orion. I don't think she's going to be staying long here at Typhon at all.

"I think you really need a break Edward. You just told me that the Orion was high priority." Anna said, "I told you I would check into it and offer some of my crew to help if needed. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes I'm good just very busy. I have just came from a meeting with the wonderful Roman Charon. If you ever met him you would need a few days off too!"

Fannin was smiling... I'll be getting my new captains shuttle today and running down to Tiberius V today for several hours. If you have any problems just give me a call."

"Good you can let me know how things are coming there. I was going to send a message there guessing the marine team should be back by now. Based on how light and localized the damage was they should have made good progress by now." Anna said.

"Outstanding, I should be back in a few hours, I also heard that a Romulan ambassador has been assigned. I think I'll be dodging that reception."

"I will be sure to have them routed to me when they arrive." Anna said. "I guess I should start widening the languages I know to be able to great ambassadors in their native language." Anna said, "I think I made an impression on Aieshia by knowing Japanese." She added with a chuckle. "The tea leaves said I worked too hard and needed free cookies. They will help me relax."

"Yes I met her recently, I think she mentioned something about I would be exploding in the near future."

"I hope not too soon. I don't want to be the commander of this place any time soon." Anna said.

"I have to get to the shuttle pad to get down to Tiberius V, she's all yours till I get back."
Fannin was headed out the door with James carrying a large briefcase of drawings...


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief Ops/Acting Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon


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