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Meeting the Money Man

Posted on Thu Feb 11th, 2010 @ 1:54pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

677 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: General conference room, Deck 22
Timeline: Current


Fannin had been waiting for the moment he had to get the pitch from Roman Charon. Admiral Stone had spoke about the man in their weekly briefing. Charon had a few friends in the Fleet and had donated generously to Fleet funds and causes over the years. It was clear Charon had called the bet due and was planning on moving his Casino and Resort to the Tiberius system. The fleet had approved his application for several hundred acres and a large landing area. All that mattered now was the location of the building site.

Edward and Yeoman James entered the conference room to see a large table of food and a very large holographic model of the Casino and it's facilities large enough to overwhelm a person. Around the sides of the large room were images and architects designs and floor plans of everything concerned with the project.

Charon saw Fannin enter and practically ran towards him. "Welcome Captain Fannin, thank you for meeting me here on such short notice." He pumped the Captains had several times, "I see you have brought the Always lovely Yeoman James with you, how wonderful."

Edward smiled at James. "Yes we decided to bring some paperwork down and see what you had planned for this resort of yours."

Charon was at the top of his form, "As you can see the design team has completed years of detailed drawings for you to inspect Sir, This is Avalon" The lights dimmed and the large model was illuminated. "Avalon is a ten level structure built around a state of the art casino, restaurant, shopping and sports complex. It has One thousand guest suites for visitors and Twelve privately owned gourmet establishments. The sports complex can hold large venues."

Roman walked past several adjoining projects. "A beautiful retirement community nearby set around a full service marina for pleasure craft and yachts of large dimension. The first phase has these lakefront homes would be seven hundred units with parks, medical facilities and free of all commercial enterprises. Another area planned is an authentic small clifftop community of Mediterranean villas."

Fannin was indeed impressed with the pictures and layout of it all, James was carefully making notes on her Padd about the size and dimensions of several of these projects as Edward got the walk thru of the project.

Mr. Charon, this will take years for you to construct. What about your workers? where will they be housed? you are aware the Starbase has very little room for the placement of these people."

"Please call me Roman, The corporation has thought of everything Sir. Prefab housing units and terraforming equipment are ecologically friendly and depending on the location of the building site may not even be used. All workers are contracted from the Avalon corporation and seldom even need to stop at the Starbase. The workforce of engineers totals close to fifteen Thousand and shouldn't even be noticed as they will be staying strictly on the planet."

Fannin nodded, "Sounds like a massive project indeed Mr. Charon. I'll be personally selecting your building site and will contact you shortly so you can take a look at it. Of course the Federation has quiet a few rules that need to be sorted out concerning your purchase of the area. I'm sure you have reviewed those conditions."

Charon smiled. "Yes our attorneys have agreed to all conditions and are modifying the requirements for sewage removal and ground pollutants storage. I was curious about the local law enforcement agency, would that be part of the Fleet captain?

The Captain was prepared for this, "No, not at all. The law enforcement presence will be actually a public safety department of retired security officers and investigators. They will however report and be under my jurisdiction as administrator of the area, or until a planet governor has been put in place."

As the meeting drew to a close both Fannin and Yeoman James witnessed the power of cold hard cash at work...


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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