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Avalon Build Team Arrival

Posted on Tue Feb 16th, 2010 @ 12:50pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

161 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Tiberious V, Outer Orbit
Timeline: Current


The Avalon Forward was a converted Terra Nova class colony ship owned by the Avalon Bank and Insurance group. She drifted into an high orbit of Tiberius V. Her crew of Over a Thousand workers and engineers were ready to begin. The "Avalon Express had built several Casinos and resorts for the Avalon Corporation, but this was the furthest out. It was the plan to get this site up as quick as possible. Giant industrial replicators had been installed to speed the process. Teams were scrambling over the cargo bays moving portable lodging structures around that would be sent done as soon as a site had been chosen. The weeks of travel had been put to good use as the units were all complete and waiting to be sent planetside. All of the custom furniture was made and warehoused and the transformers ready to go.

The contractors were reviewing plans of the resort and making changes day by day.



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