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Getting Checked out

Posted on Mon Feb 15th, 2010 @ 7:19am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Basil Hart

773 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Sick Bay

Jana stepped through the doors of sickbay. She wasn't an officer here but she was going to be a permanent resident here and she needed to go through a check up to make sure she hadn't brought any illnesses along with her. She stepped through the doors and saw the sign that read "If you need assistance go to Helen Waite." Jana raised an eyebrow and her eye moved to the desk with the nurse behind it and a name plate that read Helen Waite.

Nodding Jana moved over. She was still wearing make up that paled her face and dark red lipstick. Her hair was blue-black and braided into two pony tails that hung to each side. She stepped up to the nurse. "Hello my name is Jana Johnson I have just arrived here to live with my sister and need the standard new arrival check up. Here are my medical records from Earth." Jana said handing the nurse the PADD she had brought along with her.

Helen smiled at her and looked over the information on the PADD. "I'll take these to the Doctor, and he'll be with you in a moment. Please have a seat." She gestured to the seats in the waiting room, and the PADDS full of reading material on the tables.

Jana took a seat an pulled out her journal and began writing in it while she waited. She was hoping this wouldn't take too long but she wouldn't doubt if there was a series of vaccines she would need since she had never been away from the Solar System before.

Shortly, a clipped London upper-class accent came through the curtain in the exam room. "I'll be right there. Hang on just a tick..." In another moment, Basil poked his head into the waiting room. "Ms Johnson. Pleasure to meet you. Do come in and have a seat on the biobed." He held the curtain back for her.

Jana put away her journal and moved into the room and got onto the biobed. She studied the doctor a moment but said nothing for now as she waited to see what he would need her to do.

From an old looking bag, Basil took out an antique stethoscope and placed its cold metal disc on her anterior chest wall. "Breathe normally," he instructed.

Jana raised an eyebrow, "What is that exactly?" She asked.

Basil smiled. "It's a stethoscope. it was used in the days before biobeds to allow the doctor to listen to your heart and lungs. We used to be able to tell what was wrong with someone just by listening. I like to keep in practice, and it helps me have a more personal contact with my patients than all this mechanized technological medicine where the symptoms are treated more than the patient."

"I could see using it if the power was out." Jana said with a shrug, "Whatever makes you happy I guess." She added.

"Well, I do check my findings with the biobed, but I like to have more than one option for treatment." He smiled at her. "Now let's see how accurate I was. I think that your lungs and heart are in excellent health, and that with proper diet and exercise, you'll be healthy as the proverbial horse for many years to come." He looked down at the readings on the biobed. "Hah! I was right on the money! The only thing you need to worry about is your family's predisposition to osteoperosis. If it becomes an issue, gene therapy should take care of it." He grinned again. As I see it, young lady, you're fit for duty. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about or ask?"

"I have no duty except school." Jana said. "I've just never been outside the solar system before and wasn't sure if there were any vaccines I might need." She said glad he didn't ask anything about her past.

"Well, Jana, You're fit for school, too. You know, I spoke earlier about listening to your body as a way of helping you. Should you ever want to talk... just talk... you'll find that I'm a good listener that way, too." He took a deep breath. "Well, then, off you go." He motioned toward the door. "Be safe, and be well, Jana."

"Okay thanks. So I guess that means I don't need anything else right now then?" She asked.

"You're right as rain, young lady." Victor smiled again.

Jana jumped down off the bed and headed back to her quarters.

Lieutenant Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Jana Johnson (npc'd by Anna)


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