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The Medic and the Sergeant Major

Posted on Tue Feb 16th, 2010 @ 4:55am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

309 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Marine HQ
Timeline: current


Chief Warrant Officer Second Class Charles "Chuck" Willey was having a hard time trying to find his way through the maze of corridors on the Starbase. Having just been assigned to the 21st Regiment he didn't even have his gear squared away. Finally, after asking the computer he found his way to the Marine Headquarters.

Walking in, Chief Willey goes up to the pretty, female marine Corporal at the reception desk. "Can I help you Chief?" The Corporal says. Chuck replies, "Yes ma'am. I'm looking for Sergeant Major van-Zhee. Is he in?" The Corporal scans her comupter quick and states, "The Sergeant Major is currently in his office. Shall I notify him?" Chuck replies, "No ma'am that'll not be necessary just tell me the way..."

After getting directions the Chief finds the Sergeant's office. Hitting the chime he hear's a reply to enter. Strolling in, Chuck see's an older Andorian at the desk going over PADDs, "Sorry to disturb you Sergeant Major. Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Charles Willey of the Medic Division, reporting as ordered." Standing up and offering his hand, "Welcome aboard Chief Willey. How was your trip from Tau Ceti?" Chuck shrugs and says, "Offly long Sergeant. Finally glad to get here, those long trips aren't like they used to be." Shran smiles, "That's true Chief. Well, you've been assigned to the Command Company, and I got you a bunk in the Goat Locker." Handing the Chief a PADD and continuing, "Here's your duty assignment, along with information on the Station, and also who is friend or foe around here. Any questions?" Chuck takes the PADD and replies, "Only one Sergeant. Is that good looking receptionist single...."



Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Charles "Chuck" Willey
Combat Medic/Marine, 21st Regiment
Starbase Typhon

Sergeant Major Shran van-Zhee
Regiment First Sergeant, 21st Regiment
Starbase Typhon


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