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Back to the Tiberius System

Posted on Tue Feb 16th, 2010 @ 8:54am by Commander Raven Adams & Commodore Edward Fannin

485 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Fannin's Ready Room
Timeline: current


Fannin had been waiting for the fleet message for several hours. He had a missing team and that was just the beginning of it. With his reply in hand he left the bridge after asking ops to locate Commander York. He hadn't met the new commander of the Orion yet and needed to see her about this mission.

Samantha was in the Captain's Ready Room on the Orion, going over a stack of PADDs when she received the call from Typhon. Setting the PADDs aside, she quickly made her way to the nearest transporter room and beamed down to the Starbase.

She located Captain Fannin in his office. She walked up to the Yeoman on duty. "I'm Commander Samantha York, here to see Captain Fannin."

"The Captain is in his office. He's waiting for you. Just down the hall. You can't miss it," the Yeoman replied.

With a smile an a nod, Sam went down to the Captain's office and rang the door chime.

Fannin looked up, startled by the chime. "Come in"...

"Hi," Sam said as she walked into the room. "I'm Samantha York. You wanted to see me?"

"Thanks for coming commander, I have a somewhat urgent mission for you, I have sent an away team to find and locate a mining ship nearby on Tiberius IV. It was reported missing. We have no contact with either vessel. The Orion will be moving in next, Commander. When can your vessel be ready.?"

Sam quickly ran over the repairs being done on the Orion. They'd sustained damage from the pirates. Most of the major work was done. There was still some cosmetic work to be done in the lounge, but that could be rushed and finished quickly. "We're still under repair, but they're scheduled to be finished tomorrow. We should be able to leave then."

"Sounds good, I hate to rush you back out but I have a real bad feeling about this."

"Understood. We can have the major work done by tomorrow and come back after for any work that still needs to be completed."

"Thank you Commander, please let me know if you need anything to prepare."

"I'm sure I will. I'll talk to the senior staff and see what they need. Can I have the information on the missing ships and crew?"

Fannin handed her a Padd, "I sent Lieutenant Gregory and several officers from security in a Danube..." The other vessels information is loaded."

She took the PADD. "Thank you. Is there anything else I need to know?"

"You know everything I do at this point. If I hear more I shall contact you immediately"

"Thank you," Sam replied. "I there's nothing more, I have a lot to do and I'd like to get on it right away."

"Good luck Captain"


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Samantha York
Chief Science Officer
Acting CO
USS Orion


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