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Unfortunate Intercept

Posted on Sun Feb 21st, 2010 @ 3:32pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

329 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Tiberious System
Timeline: Current


The flight of Four Razors glided through space. Their destination was a random search of an unmapped area adjacent to the edge of the Fifth planet. Lieutenant Commander Mann was the commander and flight leader of the recon package. He had all Three of the four group squadron leaders with him on this mission to familiarize them with the area. After several of these missions were complete they could bring their own squadrons out and train them. Things had been running pretty smoothly and a great deal of the area had been scanned and entered in small padds for further use. Thomas had just been dropping in some new co-ordinates into the flight computer when he saw a Blinding flash on the port side of the formation.. The explosion and heads up display just informed the Commander he had lost "Bolo Three".....

"All Bolo units, evade, evade, evade. This is Bolo six, all units report."

Mann jerked the Razor sharply and ascended straight up and over the debris field that was once Bolo Three. He could see what had happened. A Cloaked Romulan Mine field was now exposed. He watched as his Two remaining Pilots avoid near destruction and performed ascension tactics to power out of the minefield.

Commander Mann noted the location of the field and sent a message to starbase Typhon about the loss of an aircraft, his pulse was very high and his head pounding with frustration. His first damn check flight and he had lost a squadron commander. this was very bad. Cloaked Romulan mines were obviously easily detected, fortunately this mine field was poorly arrayed as the first mine uncloaked ten or more of the mines around it.

The flight was quiet on the return trip to the starbase. Thomas had to keep his flight alert, they were all experienced commanders and knew the risks, but they hated every minute of it.


Lt.Cmdr Thomas Mann, (NPC)
Air Group Commander
Starbase Typhon


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