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Continuing the search

Posted on Wed Feb 17th, 2010 @ 5:34am by Commodore Edward Fannin

305 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Tiberious V
Timeline: Current


The morning spent at camp Stonebreaker was just what Fannin needed. The shuttle landed beside a large body of water. It was exactly what he believed the Avalon group was looking for. he watched overhead as a tight formation of Valkyrie fighters screamed overhead. Walking to the water he turned to Yeoman James. send this location to Mr. Charon and see if it meets with his approval. he didn't get to close to the water as Ed had heard of an incident where a cadet was attacked by a shark.

Yeoman James walked towards Fannin, "It appears we're getting a message from Charon. I believe he is watching our progress here. He is very excited about this location and asked if we could wait a few minutes so he can join us here."

"I suppose so, It's a wonderful area really. Fannin sat back against a log and kicked his feet up. I need to rest up if that bundle of energy is on his way here."

True to form the shuttle arrived just as the Captain had fallen asleep. A bombastic Roman Charon and several of his followers.

"Captain, you have done the impossible! This is a paradise lost and you have found it! When can we begin the casino? We have so much to do, I think we shall begin immediately. Can we? Captain Fannin are you listening. We need to complete the paperwork today?"

Fannin just nodded, "Yes I suppose we can if you stop asking endless questions. Be in the ready room when you return to the Starbase. The papers will be ready for your review."

Fannin left the party behind and headed for his shuttle and a peaceful trip back to the Station...


Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Roman Charon, (NPC)
Wise guy, Avalon corporation
Tiberius V


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