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Posted on Wed Feb 17th, 2010 @ 10:51pm by Commander Dhindara Vrel & Commodore Edward Fannin

1,261 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Admiral Stone's cabin
Timeline: current

[Admiral Stone's Cabin]

After her brief meeting with Morgan Damron Dhindara headed up to see Rear Admiral Stone. She checked her chronometer. It was after office hours but not too late, she didn't expect him to be in bed yet. She approached his cabin and rang the door bell.

Ensign Dixon answered the door. "Commander Vrel, how are you this evening?"

"Uhm, am I interrupting something?" she asked. "I wanted to see the Admiral on business, but if this is a bad time I can try the office in the morning."

"No problem at all Commander, come in. Can I get you a beverage?"

"No, thank you", Dhindara replied. "I just need to speak to Admiral Stone."

Several minutes later Nickolas Stone entered the room and greeted the commander. "What brings you to my humble abode this evening?"

"News, Sir", Dhindara replied. "I assume you would want to know right away, so I came here." She paused. "I have talked with Morgan Damron, and I've been able to catch some of her thoughts and feelings."

"Please sit down and enlighten me of your findings Commander Vrel. As you know the Fleet is very interested in her motivation."

"Well, her motivation is credits", Dhindara replied, taking the offered seat. "She's a ruthless business woman. What she cares about is the bottom line, to make more profit this year than last. Basically, she has a Ferengi approach on things."

"I have met Morgan several times. But she still hasn't put together who I was at the time. Her plans for us here are going very well or she would be raising absolute hell right now. Has she plans to start building her colony yet?"

"I haven't asked about that", Dhindara replied. "I didn't want to make her aware of me probing her mind. We had a saboteur who was claiming to work for her. She claims he's not. She requested I should read the man's mind to prove she was innocent." Dhindara smirked. "I told her I couldn't do this, that I'd need his consent or the direct order from a superior officer to do this. All the while, I was able to probe her mind. She's afraid I might steal her secrets to success and sell them to someone. She's actually afraid of losing money, in spite of the fact that she has more money than she ever needs herself. I think the woman needs some counselling."

"I'm sure you're correct. Morgan has been known to have a history of psychotic behavior. Her past is shrouded in controversy, possibly murder. Extreme caution is needed around her. If she detects you there will be danger."

"She has detected me", Dhindara replied. "I was standing there right in front of her. She's threatened me with getting me thrown out of Starfleet and ruining my little aside-business of making and selling holographic simulations if I were to reveal any business secrets I had picked up from her. Of course, what she doesn't understand is that I don't mind her having success in her business. I did give her a little telepathic electric jolt for threatening me, though." She smirked. "I know, it's provocation. But at the same time, I want her to know I'm not intimidated."

Stone nodded in agreement. "I have to say I enjoy the stimulus you gave her. I trust her and her group of zealots about as far as I can throw them. It was noted in a Fleet intel report that she has a member of her group that seems to be an expert in mind control. Investigations on Earth revealed a few of her members had been discovered dead with massive brain injuries that appeared self inflicted. Some one is experimenting and we need to track that trend if possible."

"I have caught nothing about that in my brief encounter with her", Dhindara replied. "I can probe deeper, but for that I'll have to have her separated from her guards. There are telepaths in her employ, they guard her mind and her secrets. I could only catch so much without being detected by them. I am capable of mind control myself, though once a person is dead I won't be able to detect its presence. Give me someone who is alive who you think has been subjected to it and I might be able to find some things out for you."

"As you know since her arrival her small group seldom leaves the VIP area. I'm hoping as her colonists arrive we will be able to catch a few in various states and conditions, it will prove interesting."

"Those cult followers won't know anything. They're sheep. They believe what they're told. And what they're told we know", Dhindara replied. "Misses Damron has achieved what many people desire, she has wealth and power. And now she's using it. I think she goes with Seneca the Younger, who once said that religion is considered by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful. The wise ruler pretends to be spiritual because all the total idiots really do think like children - they really do think gods are real. And a real leader has to lead these people. But also a wise leader knows that his own pretended godliness is nonsense, and he's ready to turn quickly and meet any threat and not be tied by too many morals. This is, I think, what we're dealing with in case of Misses Damron."

"Interesting, I would be very careful dealing with her."

"Absolutely", Dhindara replied. "From what I could get from her, what she needs is love. Not romantic love, necessarily. Just some other thing that she thinks is important. She lives for power and wealth, and at the same time she is lonely. She has no true friends, and from what I can tell the people she trusts she only trusts as far as she has means to put pressure on them. I don't envy her. She's not happy."

"With Morgan she has a long list of enemies fortunately for her there's nothing they can do about it. She's very comfortable with people fearing her and the power just feeds it." Stone drank his tea. "I'll be watching her closely over the next few weeks. we also have an upswing of Orion activity that bears some of my time."

"I will try to meet with her again", Dhindara replied. "She's a hurt soul and she needs help. She doesn't realize it, but maybe I can make her realize it."

"You will have an interesting journey with Morgan, I assure you."

"I'm sure", Dhindara replied. "And probably not a very pleasant one either. But I have to try."

"I admire your professionalism Commander. I feel your experience will be of some help to her, however remember that even a calm snake can still present a deadly bite."

"I'll watch my step", Dhindara responded.

"If you need anything get into contact with me, If I hear of anything that may help in your endeavors I shall forward it to you. I will respect your client patient privileges at all times, Commander."

Dhindara nodded. "Understood."

Stone rose from his chair and offered his hand to the Commander.

Dhindara stood, shaking his hand. "Good night, Admiral. I will leave you and your company alone now. Sorry to have disturbed you."

"No problem at all Commander, any time."

=/\\= End of Transmission =/\\=

Rear Admiral Nickolas Stone
Theta Fleet Intel Chief

Lieutenant Commander Dhindara Vrel


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