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Razor Down, Pilot Death confirmed

Posted on Sun Feb 21st, 2010 @ 4:00pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

366 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Typhon Main Bridge
Timeline: Current

Fannin observed the message as it came in from his new Group commander, and it wasn't good. "Bolo Flight" had unknowingly entered a nest of cloaked Romulan mines and lost a Razor in an instant. The message had got everyone's attention on the bridge and a Yellow alert notification was announced. Edward was understandably upset. The watch officer had repeated his command for the flight to confirm the loss and death of the pilot. After a few minutes the call was confirmed, the Razor was destroyed with one sole on board.

Captain Fannin turned to the flight control station. "Notify all inbound traffic of possible minefields. Suspend all federation traffic from the station until we get fighter coverage up and active."

As all of the squadron commanders were with Bolo flight Two Flights of Valkyries departed the station within Twenty minutes to provide defensive coverage for the station if needed and All senior officers were notified to report to their sections and standby. Edward headed for his ready room to notify Fleet on the situation. The deputy Commander was on board son that wouldn't take long, but his primary concern was the fact a mine field was close to the station.

As he walked into the Ready room he saw Yeoman James with a personnel file. Ed was sure it belonged to the recently departed Pilot. "yeoman James turned on the main view screen and they watched as Valkyrie fighters shot out the main station doors for static patrols. "I really hope there's no more of those damn things out there." James nodded as they continued to observe the crew jumping to stations.

"Bridge to Captain, All stations manned and ready, yellow Alert posting complete."

Fannin acknowledged the notification. he looked at James, "Have commander Mann report to me as soon as he returns and gets his flight settled. be sure to meet him, I don't want him called to the ready room over the radio like he's a child. not the time for that right now."

James understood, Aye, aye sir." And she departed for the main shuttle bay.

Edward called fleet and sent a secure message..


Captain Edward Fannin
commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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