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Operations Briefing

Posted on Sun Feb 21st, 2010 @ 5:43pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Anna Johnson

664 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Fannin was waiting for commander Johnson to arrive to bring him up to date on station status. It was important that all Space travelers around them be warned of the possible threat of mine fields in the area and approaches to the Starbase. Traffic was at a peak right now and further contact with these devices needed to be avoided..

Anna stepped into his office with her coffee in one hand and a PADD in the other. "So far it is only the one mine field in the area. With us this close to their zone however we will need to keep watch that more don't get set up when we are sleeping so to speak." Anna said handing Fannin the PADD.

"Have a seat commander, and thanks for coming in on short notice. I have to brief the Admiral shortly and I want her to be aware we're doing everything we can to keep the area around us free of further traps such as these. If possible send out flash traffic to all vessels."

"I would suggest we set up some senors in the area so if unannounced traffic is there we will be notified or if they are taken offline we will be notified and can send someone to investigate." Anna said.

"Excellent Idea, get on that right away, I'll make sure you have what ever you need. May want to have sensors sweeping for all activity if possible."

"We can use the relay system in place and tie them in, at least the area between here and the Tiberius system. Also perhaps send warnings to proceed with caution until the threat is neutralized." Anna said then took a sip of her coffee.

"Check and see if we have a few commercial shipping lanes covered, I would bet there's a few floating all around us. There will be hell to pay if vessels start disappearing on us. We already have Two missing and One destroyed. This should be a top priority for you. I have sent flash messages to the Marine Commander on Tiberius Five and suggest all Fleet crew return to the Station. This may or may not effect the cleanup there. I'll leave that up to you as I'm actually not certain how many of your people are down there. The short version is no more debris fields due to Romulan mines if we can possibly help it."

"Based on my projections the clean up should be about done. The damage wasn't extensive and we started as soon as it was discovered so it was localized. Recalling the clean up team will not be an issue." Anna said.

"Good, I just don't want certain sections of critical departments spread out to thin for the next few days. We can always resume and finish up operations after this settles down a bit. Thanks for your help on this and if you need anything yell at me."

"That's what I'm here for." Anna smiled, "I've even been monitoring plate activity on the planet and there has been no other shifting not even after shock type shifting. I'm not sure what was detected but it seems to have been a one time thing." Anna said.

"I have a feeling there's going to be a fair amount of shaking going here pretty soon. The last time this type of incident happened the Fleet lost Four outposts."

"Well I don't plan on giving in that easily. It might effect the amount of traffic we have here which could mean we loose business. At this stage that is crucial that we don't. I'll have to make sure they get the supplies they need so it doesn't become an issue." Anna said.

"Great, keep me informed. right now I need to go see Admiral Burke. Good Luck."

"Good luck to you too." Anna said with a smile.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Acting XO
Starbase Typhon


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