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Taking Thor for a Spin

Posted on Wed Dec 23rd, 2009 @ 12:27pm by Commander Jack Tolren & Commodore Edward Fannin

1,670 words; about a 8 minute read

Location: USS Thor, Internal Docking Gate 17A
Timeline: Current

Jack had arranged a number of fighter patrol routes around the system following his meeting with the Captain. The fact that they were in deep space meant that there was a general need to maintain a high alertness to the ongoings around them, which was the primary reason for his current task.

He had asked the flight safety officer, Lt. Miller, to meet him at the USS Thor, a Wallace-class garrison vessel which had recently arrived at Typhon and which was currently docked awaiting a shakedown cruise in the station's internal bay.

Lieutenant Miller walked through the security station and through the airlock to the USS Thor. She was greeted by an Ensign, "Ma'am The XO is waiting for you on the bridge."

Miller entered the bridge, seeing Commander Tolren...

"Lieutenant Miller, welcome aboard the USS Thor," The green-skinned Tolren greeted her. "I understand you'll have to have a pre-flight tour before we depart, is that correct?"

"Yes Sir, please call me Renne if you like Sir. And I will definitely need a tour, haven't been on a Wallace since the Academy."

"Well it's a two-deck ship, it won't take long," Tolren said with a smile. "This is the bridge, single centre seat, helm and ops are combined, viewscreen is a transparent aluminum bulkhead with tactical overlay. It's all pretty much straight forward."

Miller gave the XO her complete attention as the tour began.

"We'll take a look down on deck 2, engineering and the cargo hold, if that's in order?"

"Yes Sir", as they departed the bridge Miller could feel the smaller size of the Thor. Wasn't like a heavy cruiser she was used to. Far more confined...

A small, open lift provided access to the lower deck. The cargo hold was quite small, more like storage for luggage if the ship was involved in long-range travel.

"The cargo hold is limited capacity, but sufficient if we need to collect anything too small to tractor."

"It's unbelievable the size of this area compared to what it's hooked up too huh.."

"You would think we could have something a little bigger, wouldn't you?" Tolren joked.

Commander Tolren moved, next, towards the aft end of the ship, through a door into the engineering section. The matter/anti-matter reaction assembly was built into the aft bulkhead, consoles on either side provided engineering information. All in all the room was nothing more than purposeful, spacious certainly didn't come in to it.

Miller shrugged, "Small but it certainly gets the job done"

"Everything here is compact, the quarters are bunked with foldable beds, there's a small mess room at the aft of the bridge, and that's about it," Tolren replied, gesturing back towards the lift.

Miller entered the lift, "Not really bad for a Two-Decker. Crew of Twelve and hits warp Seven too."

"We can operate on about 6 I believe, but a full complement works better," Tolren said with a smile.

They boarded the lift and within a few strides were back on the bridge of the Thor. Tolren walked over to the centre seat and collected a padd. Handing it to Miller, he said, "here's the structural testing reports and sensor sweep data for the Thor, I believe she's spaceworthy and ready to leave whenever you are."

Renne took the the XO's chair as she reviewed the padd. The structural reports were very good, all sensors and interior hull bulkheads were within tolerances. "Sounds like a plan Sir, I filed the Flight request but not a plan. Where are we headed once we leave the big can in the sky?"

"We'll head towards the star, and then come back here with a tour of the planets on the way," Tolren replied. "We need to run a basic sensor sweep on the local planets anyway."

"Sounds like a plan to me." she went to the Ops computer and started inputting the information for Typhon Control.

Tolren nodded, tapped a control on the arm of the center seat for the intraship announcement.

"All hands, departure stations."

Miller rejoined the Commander and took a seat.

A short Ensign stepped forward to Commander Tolren, "Sir Captain Fannin sends his regards and requests you take a good look around."

"Thank you Ensign," Tolren acknowledged.

Within a few moments the crew had taken their places on the bridge and engineering reported that they were ready to depart.

"Flight plan approved, sir," Lt. Francis reported from the Helm/Ops console.

"Clear all mooring, ahead one quarter impulse," Tolren instructed. "As soon as we've cleared control space punch us up to warp 7."

"Aye sir."

Renne brought up her Padd and began taking some notes about the Thor that she may need to remember. The Helm /Ops officer seemed to be very competent.

The Thor sprang to warp as she left the station's control zone heading for the nearby system. As yet relatively uncharted and named only after it's stellar designation - J-572 - the system apparently housed at least one M class planet, and this run out would give Typhon's crew some much needed information about it's nearest neighbour.

Miller looked to the Commander, "It would have been nice to have the Valhalla on this run, but we should be able to get some very good data if we get close."

"Once we have the basic data it'll be over to Commander Jackson to bring the Valhalla over here with a reasonable team and do some in depth analysis," Tolren replied. "We're keen to get the Thor and Odin operational for patrol duties, and this seems like an ideal shakedown."

"The Commander will be glad to here that."

They continued on their course for a short time, long enough for Miller and Tolren to have a more detailed examination of the ship's systems and it's safety procedures. There was certainly no beating thoroughness when it came to a safety inspection.

The pair returned to the bridge just to hear the announcement that they were dropping from warp having arrived at J-572.

"Medium range sensors, Lieutenant Francis, let's establish what we've got in the system then take us in towards the star. We need a short range sensor sweep of all the major objects before we head home."

"Aye, Commander," Francis replied, beginning to enter commands.

The Thor tilted to starboard slightly, the sun coming into view through the view screen.

Renne set her padd down and watched the view screen, "Very nice Star we have there, wouldn't you say Commander?"

"It looks like a G2," Tolren replied. "Reminds me of home."

"It's an F2V sir," Francis said from Ops having just completed a scan. "We should have life around 1 to 3 million kilometres away, I'll focus the scanning on the fourth planet onwards."

"Thank you Lieutenant, make sure we get a sweep of the other's on the way out."

Francis nodded. The Thor swept around the yellow-white star which appeared slightly larger than Sol, and then headed back away from it with the bright sun behind them towards the systems planets.

First on the list were two class B planets, orangey-red in colour, they were lifeless, high temperature planets with partially molten surfaces and toxic atmospheres. Thor passed them by heading for the third planet.

The next planet, a class H desert world, had a high carbon dioxide atmosphere and no detectable surface water.

The fourth and fifth planets were the highlight of the journey. Both Class M, the fourth had a low quantity of sruface water and was primarily a desert planet. Initial scans gave an indication of the likelihood of dilithium and decalithium, but more detailed analysis would have to be conducted to confirm presence and purity. The fifth planet, with approximately 60% surface water and quantities of vegetation, glimmered like a marble amongst the other arid solar objects of J-572. On it's brief pass the Thor detected some elements of animal life, but no discernable energy signatures, meaning that it was likely devoid of sentient intelligent life, an ideal world to study or even colonize.

"Just what we've been hoping for I think, Commander," Francis reported, indicating his console. Tolren rose from the center seat and took a look over his shoulder at the display.

"Excellent, class M, standard Terran-type atmosphere with just a little less Nitrogen, and plenty water," Tolren summarized. "Send the data straight back to the station, I'm sure the Captain will be interested."

"Aye sir."

Renne had been preparing a message as Tolren spoke, "Sir I've been taking some notes of your description would you care to send these?"

"Certainly, Lieutenant," Tolren responded, giving the contents a once over before passing them to Francis to relay. "The rest of the system consists of 3 gas giants and a few planetoids, we don't expect to find much amongst them, although the moon's of the first gas giant will be worth closer examination by the Valhalla."

************USB Typhon*******************

"Captain Fannin, I have a sub-Space message from Commander Tolren on the Thor Sir." The young communications Officer was standing by...

Edward turned towards the View screen and read the message as several images appeared. The message was short but very complete. "Ha! There's a find for ya..." Fannin was very happy. Inform Commander Tolren a message. 'Sharply done expect briefing on return, Typhon Command."

************USS Thor**********************

The Thor received Captain Fannin's message a moment later, Jack felt himself get a pat on the back as he sat in the centre seat of the little ship. They had completed the charting of the three gas giants and were now enroute back to the station.

"Lieutenant Francis, send the data to Typhon's Science Department, and ask Commander Jackson to prepare the Valhalla for departure, I'm sure he'll be interested in seeing this system," Tolren instructed, as he sat back taking in the operations of the bridge as the Thor thundered towards it's home.

"Aye sir."


Lt/Cmdr. Jack Tolren
Executive Officer

Lt. Renne Miller
Flight Safety Officer (written by Capt. Fannin)

Lt. Joseph Francis
Starship Operations Officer (written by Lt/Cmdr. Tolren)


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