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Making a Few Visits

Posted on Sun Dec 13th, 2009 @ 6:22pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

438 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Main Control / Bridge
Timeline: Current


Ed seemed ready he finished his meal and headed out of his Quarters. and down to the lift station. He thought it odd that his quarters were on deck 24 but main control was on deck 12, but he didn't let that bother him much as he was already comfortable with his loft.. The lift stopped at a large corridor that led to the Main control suite. He passed the executive Officers shack and saw the Captains ready Room ahead. He couldn't resist a look...

It was very impressive, A large conference table that could seat 15, he could see several computer stations and desks for com and security, Towards the front of the room A good sized Flight control monitoring station. The flight station like the others were behind Clear Sound proof Plexon for the Captains privacy. The entire room was decorated A light Red with dark Cherry wood that was very shiny and well kept. He ducked back out to the Hallway and entered the Main Control area.

As main control was a restricted acess area he was greeted at the doors by a smiling Security Petty Officer Third Class.

"Welcome Captain."

Edward reached out and shook the Petty Officers hand, "Thank you, Whats your Name?"

"Glenn Sir, Petty Officer Victor Glenn."

"Very good Victor, pleasure to meet you, Would I be cleared to enter?"

"Yes Sir you were scanned into the security system when you stepped aboard the Station and have complete access to all ships functional secure areas, all you have to do is walk in. Sensors in the walls actually allow acess to avoid unwanted entries. I'm here to answer those alarms."

Fannin nodded, "Very impressive, Thanks. I'm glad your here."

Ed walked through the doors, It was large. A Two level room the size of a shuttle bay. The layout was round. As Ed looked up he could see at least Thirty stations on the upper level full of contractor and crew hard at task. Scanning the lower level 50 stations were manned. They surrounded a Sunken command area with a carpeted ramp leading to it. He was a bit taken back by the complex size. It fit the starbases mission Large....

He walked down the ramp and felt several eyes on him, There were soft chimes Which followed a soft message, "Captain on the Control deck". A few onlookers on the upper level came to the rail and looked down on him. Ed felt as if he had entered the arena and the crowd was waiting for the Lions to be turned loose....

This would be different...


Captain Edward Fannin
CO, USB Typhon


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