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The Raven Has Landed

Posted on Thu Feb 25th, 2010 @ 5:42pm by Commander Ian Casey & Commodore Edward Fannin

613 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Current

Ian stepped off the transport and looked around. He was glad to be off the ship. He hated flying when he wasn't in the cockpit. He couldn't wait to inpsect the fighters stationed on the base. He shouldered his bag and stepped to the checkpoint. "Commander Ian Casey," Ian said as he handed his orders to the young Security officer.

"Of course, Sir," the man said as he scanned the PADD. "Welcome aboard. The Captain is expecting you. He should be in the Ready Room."

"Thank you, Ensign," Ian said as he retrieved the PADD and walked through the checkpoint. A few minutes later he was standing before the door to the Captain's Ready Room. He shifter his bag and pressed the chime, trying to straighten his uniform as he waited.

"Please enter"

Ian stepped through the door and stopped in front of the desk. "Commander Ian Casey reporting for duty, Sir," he said as he extended the PADD with his orders.

"Ian, please come in and get something to drink. I would have met you as you arrived but just found out you you were assigned. How was your trip?"

"I hate flying with civilian pilots," Ian said as he sat down. "Do you happen to have any Acamarian Brandy? I normally don't drink it outside of my quarters but I could use a little something to settle my nerves."

"No commander but you may find a pull or two of Bourbon out of the cabinet." Fannin pointed to a wall cabinet above the replicator.

"Would you care for some?" Ian asked as he stood up and walked to the cabinet.

"I'm fine thank you. It's been busy here with the fighter Group. Air craft losses and Romulan mines lately. You have several very active Squadrons on yellow alert right now."

Ian returned to his seat with a small amount of the Bourbon in a tumbler. "How many losses are we talking about, Captain?" he asked. "Are we expecting replacements or am I stuck organizing what's left?"

"As the Group is new your are still getting your new pilots in, We lost one the other day to a cloaked Romulan mine. That was a terrible loss, I consider it a combat loss and not the way a pilot should go out. Their may be more. We are making a big effort to check areas all around us and in the shipping lanes for more out these diabolical objects."

"Morale will have to be my first priority then," Ian replied. "It sounds like I have my work cut out for me. It should be fun. Is there anything else I should know before I get started?"

"Only that I would expect you to be active with your command. It is the Largest Group of fighters in the fleet. The surrounding shipping lanes and the Tiberius system will keep you very busy. I 'll check in from time to time and see if you need anything."

"I'll inspect the Wing and start getting some patrols in the air in the next day or two," Ian said as he stood up and extended his hand. "It's an honor to be here and I'll do my best to set the bar high for the rest of the Fleet, Sir."

"Very good Commander, let me know how your progress with the patrols are going."

"Will do, Captain," Ian said. "Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to get started."

Fannin returned the Commanders saluted and watched him depart the ready room. He hoped things would go well for the young pilot.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
Starbase Typhon


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