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Weather Net

Posted on Tue Mar 2nd, 2010 @ 5:20am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

1,006 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Various

Anna had a group of her officers working overtime to get the things needed for the weather net done quickly. They were now loaded in the shuttle and her escort was on standby. Anna moved into the pilot seat and ran through preflight. Carter was in a second shuttle doing the same and the flight squadron was with her waiting for clearance.

"This is Typhon control, Red eye six units you have command clearance for immediate departure"

Anna contacted all ships that would be going with her, "Ready for departure. Both shuttles are to stay close together as the fighter group makes an escort formation to get us to Tiberius V. Once there we will establish orbit and get the four weather net satellites in place and connected."

The group moved out and once clear of the shipping lanes for the station set off for Tiberius V.

[Several Hours Later]

"Split up and make orbit at set coordinates." Anna said making sure the coordinates were sent to the other shuttle. Launch the first satellite then move to the second set of coordinates for the second."

"Roger that ma'am." Came Carter's reply. In the meantime Anna launched the first of her satellites then moved to the second location to get the other one in place.

Once all four were in a stable orbit the two shuttles pulled up. "Activating weather net one." Carter said and waited for the satellite to come on line. "Satellite one is a go. Activating weather net two." After a short delay, "Weather net two is on line."

Anna started typing in commands, "Activating weather net three." Anna said, "Weather net three now on line. Activating weather net four. Weather net four now on line. Weather net is operational."

Anna did some scans of the last known area that the shuttle with the cadets were in was known to be. Deep down on the ocean floors she picked up alloy typical of a Starfleet shuttle. She did deeper scans of that section and confirmed that there was a shuttle sitting on the ocean floor. Anna opened a com signal, "Commander Johnson to Starbase Typhon, confirmation of a downed shuttle found on the ocean floor of Tiberius V near the last known coordinates of cadets and their commander." Anna said and waited for a reply.

"Typhon control clear, Are there signs of any survivors?" Fannin was standing on the main bridge deck waiting for the bad news.

"The only humanoid lifeforms that are showing up on scans are all accounted for and do not include anyone from this shuttle. The images I'm getting show multiple hull breaches if they were on board they would have sank almost instantly and if they couldn't get off a signal chances are they weren't able to beam out either." Anna said. "I think we can assume that shuttle is their grave marker sir."

Fannin frowned. "Thank you commander, I'll be sending the SAR units in to conduct a recon sweep of the area. So flights will be in-coming." Edward nodded to the watch officer who launched the standby SAR team. "Lieutenant please inform the group Commander the primary SAR are being deployed to Tiberius V and we'll be moving the backup team to ready."

"Typhon to Red eye six, continue current mission."

Anna passed on the information to the group Commander then replied to Fannin, "The weather net is in place and operational sir and can be monitored from the Starbase. We can use it now to also help monitor pollution levels to know if more terraforming is needed. Request permission to return to the station."

"Confirmed, we're having a few small issues with telemetry here with the system but re-booting the net computer links should be fine in a few minutes. The data section is asking where to store all the information?"

Anna tapped some commands into her control panel and sent the instructions to the weather net itself. "I've sent command codes to the weather net it should adjust and send to the proper files. Is it working now sir?" Anna asked.

"It started downloading planet data before the storage units were fully ready and overloaded the net servers. We stopped receiving until we can get the system prepared. Probably take a few hours to get on line. Tech informed me they weren't expecting the data speed being so high."

"Understood, when I get back to the station I will get help get the files set up. Something must have gone wrong with what I had set up. Is there anything else you need us to do here before we return sir?" Anna asked.

"I think we're good commander, the SAR will be there soon and take over recon of the area."

"Very well once they arrive we will head back that way and I will get the data stream straightened out." Anna said as she studied the information that was coming in herself.

Fannin turned to the bridge staff. "Lets have this system ready for commander Johnson when she returns. I'll also need the co-ordinates of the crash site for Fleet. Please notify me when she arrives."

Ensign Maug nodded, "Yes sir," he said in a gruff voice. "I will let you know when her shuttle lands and will have her report to you."

"Thank you, I'll be heading to the ready room if anything come's up" Fannin grabbed his cup and refilled it. looking around the bridge he saw things were running well at full speed. The view screen was split into ten screens watching vessels docking to the station.

Maug simply nodded and moved over reading the data that was streaming in.

Once back up arrived Anna and the others made their way back toward the station. It would be another four hours at least until they arrived and Anna still had several hours of work ahead of her once she returned.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Acting XO
Starbase Typhon

Various npcs


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