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Crash Site Confirmation

Posted on Tue Mar 2nd, 2010 @ 6:37am by Commodore Edward Fannin

204 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Typhon Bridge
Timeline: Current

Captain Fannin made the announcement. "Attention all crew, This is the Captain. The loss of Commander Hawkins and his crew of Cadets were all confirmed lost on Tiberius Five during a mission. We shall morn the loss of our shipmates and friends. A memorial service will be held in honor of their service at Eight bells. That is all."

Fannin hated to bring the news to the crew but it was a necessary evil to inform them. he was waiting to here from the SAR but after conferring with Commander Johnson he was sure recovery was just a routine mission. Ed made note of all those lost and entered their current rank into the ships log. Fleet would be updated by the stations watch officer for notification to the surviving family members. His personal messages to the family's and next of kin were complete and sent. The cost of this new system were already been high. He had received word that an accident had occurred on the Avalon building site had claimed the life of Three civilians. If this trend continued he would suspend all operations there and slow down a bit. "Operations, please take the station status to Green.....


Captain Edward Fannin


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