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Diplomatic Discourtesy

Posted on Wed Mar 3rd, 2010 @ 4:31am by Commander Raven Adams & Commodore Edward Fannin

1,085 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: CO's Office
Timeline: current


Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi was not happy. The Commander of her ship reported that the Federation Marines were scanning her ship. There had been no questions. No request for information. Just an illegal scan of a diplomatic vessel docked on the Starbase.

Without making an appointment, she went to Captain Fannin's office. She'd been mistreated once by the Federation. She was not going to let them do it a second time.

Miral walked up to the yeoman on duty. "I need to see the captain. Now. Tell him Ambassador Annhwi is here to speak with him."

Yeoman James looked at the strange creature. "Yes, of course I shall. He is on deck 200 at the moment. If you would like to take a seat I'll inform the Captain your here."

"Tell him that if he doesn't show up right away, I will create such a diplomatic disturbance that he will be lucky if he ever gets to captain more than a garbage scow in the future. My ship has been scanned illegally and my rights, given to me by your Federation, have been violated." Miral glared at the woman. "He has one half hour before I report this."

James smiled. "You're welcome to use my console if you need to send a message to your superiors. I will forward your request to the Captain. I'm sure he will be concerned with your distress over the situation. Can I get you a beverage?" James thought raw meat would probably be more fitting for the Ambassador.

Terri turned to the console and pulled out a chair for the Ambassador.....

"No, I do not wish a drink. I do not wish to have you send a message -- I doubt it will reach my people. Nor do I want to leave a message for your captain," Miral replied coldly. "Tell him I am here and wish to see him now. Tell him that if I do not return to my office within the hour that a message will be sent to Starfleet Command and you will have your government as well as mine on your heads."

Fannin walked into his office to see the small Romulan female standing in his office with a strange green glow...

"Hello, Am I interrupting something. I can come back later perhaps." Fannin was smiling at the little Romulan woman.

Miral spun around to look at Fannin. "No. Your yeoman was stalling. I am here because your Marines are scanning my ship without permission. This is a breach of your laws, Captain. I have done nothing. I was invited here as an ambassador and you treat me like a common criminal."

Fannin laughed out loud. "All I said to you was hello. Treating you as a common criminal I'll just save for later If I chose to. I would direct you to your ambassador but as that person is yourself I shall remind you of our Status of Forces agreement with your government. As captain of this station I can search the Interior of any vessel within this structure. Your vessel was not boarded, Yet. It is within my jurisdiction to do so as you can board ours on your stations. I'm sure your reading list just got a bit longer. Or perhaps my yeoman can provide you with the information you need. I accuse you of nothing, but remember I didn't invite you here. The Federation did. I belong to Starfleet who usually don't hand out invites to anyone of your race."

"Are you scanning every single ship on your station? No. You scan mine. I alone am being targeted. Just because some fool planted a Romulan mine you immediately think I am stupid enough to do it. This is NOT part of your 'Status of Forces' agreement. You have single-handedly set back Romulan/Federation negotiations ten years by your foolhardy actions, Captain, and you don't even care. You have a marked disdain for people of 'my race' and it has not gone unnoticed. Not by me and now, not by your Federation Council. You will be hearing from them about this. They, at least, are trying to negotiate peace. Too bad you haven't read the memo."

A strange leer showed on his face, teeth bared, "Ambassador, as much as would like to set back Romulan and Federation relations ten years I can not. I will follow the rules set forth by our countries. If you have heard of my disdain for your people it will be known that I have sent more of your commanders to prison for war crimes than any lost in combat against us. That aside I have the authority to run this station as I see fit. That includes it's security. I'm a peaceful man as most will tell you that know me. I have never raised a hand against your government even though I was torchered and experimented on for Eleven Years while in the custody of your masters. I tolerate your presence here on our station not rejoice in it. If you have concerns about the functions of my command I suggest you use diplomatic channels to voice them as your threats mean nothing here at all. And for your future reference I don't read Romulan memos, I enforce Federation and Starfleet doctrine."

"The 'memos' were from your Federation, Captain. And, for the record, not all Romulans are like the ones you dealt with. That government and those leaders are gone. Most of us actually want peace. But you're too stupid to separate the people from their government. Fortunately for you, not all Starfleet personnel are as bigoted as you are," Miral replied with suppressed anger. "Your ambassador is a fool. If I want something done I go to the person who can get it done. Obviously I was mistaken in thinking you were fair-minded. Trust me, you haven't heard the last of this." With that, Miral turned and stormed out of the room.

Fannin looked at James, "Did you get that on tape?" Smiling he sat at his desk...

"Yes Sir, The entire conversation as soon as she barged in here."

Fannin put his feet on his desk, "Stupid huh?, we'll see how that tirade plays out with the Fed council. Send it to them straight away."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Sub Commander Miral Tal'Aura Annhwhi (NPC)
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Terri James (NPC)
Command Yeoman
Starbase Avalon


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