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Giving thanks for the little things

Posted on Sun Mar 7th, 2010 @ 12:14am by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Anna Johnson

660 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Ops
Timeline: current


The doors to Ops opened. First, two large Samoan guards dressed in ceremonial robes walked in, followed shortly after by Morgan Damron.

She looked for the Chief... and found her by a console. Morgan breezed up to her and handed her a box. "Betazoid chocolate. The finest in the galaxy. A thanks for fixing the ecosystem on Tiberius V."

Anna blinked a moment as she took the box. She had read many reports on this woman but had yet to actually meet her. Then she looked toward Maug and spoke in Klingon for him to move to the station she was on. "Do you want to come into my office for a bit more privacy?" She asked pointing toward the door that led to her sanctuary.

"If you wish," Morgan replied. She nodded to her two guards and the three of them followed Anna into her office.

After moving in and behind her desk Anna motioned to the sofa across from her desk, "You obviously know who I am but I am not certain who you are though I do have an idea." Anna said.

Morgan raised one eyebrow. "I am exactly who you think I am. Morgan Damron, president of the Damron Group." She sat regally on the couch. "Thank you for your quick and competent attention to the environmental disaster left by Mr. Couter on Tiberius V. My people have been able to build Damron City. Colonists will begin arriving any day now."

"You are welcome though it was pretty localized over the colony where the disaster happened. I wanted to insure it didn't spread. There were a few results afterward that resulted in the need of a weather net but now that it is in place I assure you it should be safe for all parts of the planet now." Anna said as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "Can I get any of you anything?" She asked as she added cream to her coffee.

Morgan looked at her guards, then at Anna. "No, thank you. Your prompt attention to the planet kept me from having to perform a series of purification rituals. I really don't have the time for that right now. I'm in the middle of moving Damron Groups headquarters to Damron City. Easier to keep track of everything if it's all in one place," Morgan replied. "Although, I'll always have satellite companies throughout the galaxy. Oh, and I will have my own surveillance satellites in geosynchronous orbit over my continent. A precaution."

"I would have done what I did even if your group wasn't there. I had to fix the mistakes made by someone who was careless." Anna said. "Though it is nice to be appreciated."

"Yes, you do have a noble streak. It suits you." Morgan smiled. "Whatever your reason, you did well and I appreciate it. It's nice to have the monkey-boy gone, I must say," she added with a sigh "He was trouble."

"I didn't get to know him that well but yes I think now that things on the planet should calm down I will have a lot less stress." Anna said then sipped her coffee. "Was there any thing else you were needed from me?" She asked.

"Not at the moment," Morgan replied. "I will let you know if anything comes up."

Anna raised an eyebrow not sure if she liked that idea or not. "Then I thank you for the chocolate and hope all goes well as you settle onto Tiberius V." Anna said and stood extending her hand to Morgan.

Morgan gave her a half smile as she stood and shook the other woman's hand. "Thank you." She didn't mind being dismissed. This time. She signaled to her two bodyguards, then nodded to Anna. "Until next time."

With that, Morgan and her bodyguards left the room.


Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief Operations Officer
Starbase Typhon

Morgan Damron (NPC)
President, Damron Group
Starbase Typhon


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