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Chance Encounter

Posted on Sun Mar 7th, 2010 @ 12:49am by Commander Ian Casey & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

600 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Corridors
Timeline: Current

Ian casually strolled through the corridors looking at the various areas of the base. He still needed to review the status of the fighters but he wanted to familiarize himself with the base before getting to work. As he walked he worked on a proper speech for his pilots.

As he rounded a corner he saw a man wearing the green of the Marine detachment. As he moved closer he saw the bird on the man's collar. Realizing who the man was, Ian quickened his pace to catch up to the man. "Excuse me, Colonel. May I have a word with you?" he said as he fell into step next to the man.

Wilhelm looked over at the man marching next to him in the sky blue of the Fighter Wing with the rank of Commander. Stoping Wilhelm turns to him, "I don't believe we've met....How may I help you Commander?"

"Forgive me for interrupting you, Sir," Ian replied. "I'm Commander Ian Casey, Air Group Commander," he said as he extended his hand. "I just had a couple questions for you if you don't mind."

"No problem Commander," Wilhelm said. "I'm Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg." Wilhelm said with a tilt of his head. "Fire to speak."

"I'm new to the station and I was on my way down to inspect the Group," Ian said. "Is there a Marine element attached to the Group?"

"As you know, Razors are usually piloted by marines, but here, no. All marines on the station are ground pounders." Wilhelm stated.

"I just wanted to make sure," Ian replied. "I didn't see Marine Aviators on the Group's manifest but I didn't know if that was merely an oversight. Is there a reason you don't have aviators?"

"Not that I know of... I guess command figured, since they already had a full fleet air group here, they didn't need any marine fliers." Wilhelm finishished. "I tell you what. Since you and your pilots are probably gonna bail me and my regiment out of some trouble occasionally, I think I better start paying off my bill early. When you get off shift, come down to a little pub in the outer docking ring some of my marines kinda...moved into, and we'll see if we can hash out some air support debt."

"That isn't necessary but I sure do appreciate it," Ian said with a smile. "Are you going to need my pilots anytime soon?"

"Not anytime soon I hope, we're stuck mostly in training a few of them are running around here doing oddjobs though..." Wilhelm said.

"I just wanted to know if there was a pressing need to get the pilots prepared," Ian replied. "I'm going to need time to interview each of the pilots and inspect the fighters. I heard there were a few losses and I need to assess the morale of the rest of my people."

"It's probably shot to hell by losing a squadron leader. From what I understand you and your boys and girls are gonna be pulling patrols and convoy duties like something fierce. Orions, mines, etc.. Anyways I better let you go on your way. Remember that offer at the pub is still open." Wilhelm said with a smile, "Pleasure to meet you Commander, and welcome to Starbase Typhon." Wilhelm said offering his hand.

"Thank you, Sir," Ian replied as he shook the man's hand. "I'll see you later in the pub," he added before walking off.

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Marines CO
Starbase Typhon

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
Starbase Typhon


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