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The Alabama Leaving

Posted on Wed Mar 17th, 2010 @ 7:25am by Captain Anna Johnson

213 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Alabama/Operations Staton on Typhon

Claudia came in to Rebecka's office. "Everyone has reported in ma'am we are clear to leave.

"Thank you Claudia," Becka said with a smile as she opened the ship wide com, "All crew report to your duty stations the ship is preparing to leave dock in fifteen minutes All senior staff report to briefing room in one hour." She said.

Rebecka moved over to her captain's chair and took a seat. Once contact was established she started speaking, "Starbase Typhon this is the USS Alabama requesting permission to depart." Rebecka said.

"Permission granted Commodore," Anna replied from the station. "Starting dedocking proceduresT." Anna's hands started moving over the operations console then her voice was heard once more. "Dedocking is complete proceed Commodore and safe journey to you and your crew."

"Thank you," Rebecka said she nodded toward helm, "Take us out once clear of the shipping lanes we are going on a patrol of the boarder of the neutral zone. Set course accordingly."

Rebecka sat and watched from her chair. Once they were underway she moved to get things ready for the staff meeting though this should be a very simple mission she wanted them ready.

Commodore Rebecka James
Commanding Officer
USS Alabama

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief Operations/Acting XO
Starbase Typhon


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