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The Duke meets the Captain

Posted on Thu Mar 25th, 2010 @ 3:41pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commodore Edward Fannin

639 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: current


Eberhard Lindfels walked into the Command Center for his scheduled appointment. Leaving his often silent companion in his quarters, Eberhard decided to meet the Captain alone. After being checked and rechecked by station security Eberhard was escorted to the Captains Ready Room and hit the chime.

"C'mon in"

Eberhard walks into the Captain's Ready Room and stops in front of the Captain's desk. "Herr Kapitän." Eberhard makes a curt bow, "I am Eberhard Lindfels, Duke of Württemberg. Here is a letter of introduction from your own Oberst Freiherr von Hackleberg." Eberhard says while handing the Captain a PADD. "It is a pleasure to meet you sir."

"And you sir, Please come in and have a seat."

Eberhar moves to sit in one of the chairs in front of the Captain. "Captain. This is quite a nice starbase you have here. I am very impressed with all the operations I have observed."

"We are glad to have you as our guest Sir. Things have gone very well since our arrival here."

"As I can see Captain. Now to business. The reason I have come to this impressive installation is Tiberius V. Specifically, my associates and myself would like to start a settlement there."

Fannin sat down on the couch and sat his pad beside him. "The federation has several good sized tracks of land on the planet. And are actively looking for some colonists to inhabit them. Lease agreements depend on the type and size of the clients needs."

"Well, we were thinking of an initial settlement size of 2500. Then up to 5000 within a year to year and a half. We were hoping for a location with some good farmland and a couple of large carbon deposits suitable for industrial replicators. We even wouldn't mind being near your military base on-planet. It would give some recreation for the marines and a steady income base for us." Eberhard stated.

"That sounds very promising, What race are the colonists, perhaps a common bond between them other than farming and mining?"

"It would actually be a a mostly human settlement. People who are interested in starting a new life on a new planet. I know a British Earl was expressing an interest in starting an asteroid mining operation in this neck of the woods, plus a friend of mine, Ludwig Heinkel, was looking for a nice quiet place to work on his variant of a Venture class scoutship. We were thinking if his design proved successful we might be able to start building some of them as well." Eberhard said with a shrug, "I could actually give you a list of my associates and you would find they are titled, and looking for a new home for their own reasons."

"I'm sure we could accommodate your needs planetside. It make take us a few days to sort out some legal issues of coarse, heavy mining on Tiberius unfortunately not be allowed but farther into the system I believe there are a few asteroids of interest."

"That is perfectly understandable sir. I do believe we can get started on the necessary paperwork so we can get to work." Eberhard said.

"Very well, I shall get with my chief cartographer and have some surveys conducted this evening. What type of areas were you looking for, temperate or higher in elevation?"

"We were hoping for a temperate region. Definately not tropical or sub tropical though."

"With the continents planetside I'm sure we can help you."

"That would be most appreciated Captain." Eberhard said.

"I shall make it one of my first priories Sir"

"Very well then. I do believe I shall take my leave of you Captain. Good day." Eberhard finished with a formal bow.


Eberhard Lindfels, Duke of Württemberg
Civilian (NPC by Wilhelm)

Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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