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"O Brother, Where Art Thou?"

Posted on Sat Dec 26th, 2009 @ 5:20am by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commodore Edward Fannin

375 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Current

Lucas was worried. He located the Captain, the computer saying he was in his Ready Room.

Ever since Lucas and his brother Chris, serving on the USS Endeavor, were sent to space, their family couldn't spend Christmas together. Instead, they would have a family-chat via the Communications Department and small viewscreens.

However, one person didn't show up this year—Chris. Luke knew that something must be wrong. There is no way that his brother would ever miss their family gatherings. Something must be wrong with either him or the Endeavor.

Walking through the Ready Room's doors, Luke began, "Captain, I am extremely sorry to bother you at such a late hour—especially on Christmas—but I have to know what's wrong with the Endeavor. I never received the annual communications from my brother."

Fannin rose from the sofa and waved Luke to the chair, "I was unaware you had a Brother serving aboard the Endeavor."

He grabbed a cup of coffee from the replicator. I have been made aware of certain things recently that you need to know Luke. BUT, this knowledge is for your information only. If you cannot agree to remain silent about these matters then I can't tell you."

"...He's the Chief Flight Control Officer. I swear to keep all information confidential...Just please tell me his condition."

"The USS Endeavor has been reported missing. It is believed that as they were attempting to close a rift, they transported to the other side. We have lost all contact after that. Fleet is monitoring the entire quadrant."

Jackson gave a sigh. He didn't want to believe it, but he knew it was too strange to not be true. "Thank you, Captain. I'm assuming there's nothing that we can do, so I will leave you to the rest of your night. Merry Christmas!"

"Luke, I know Commodore Fisher. I'm sure he and the crew are doing everything they can. If I hear anything, I'll contact you immediately."

"Unfortunately, I never got the chance to meet the guy. Either way, thank you...Again." With that, Lucas walked out of the room—half sad and half merry.


Captain Edward Fannin
Executive Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon


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