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Intelligence Conference

Posted on Wed Apr 7th, 2010 @ 11:25pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Raven Adams

455 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: SB Typhon, Intel Meeting Room
Timeline: Current


The conference room was fairly large with A solid oak table that could seat Twenty or more. Along the wall was a huge buffet and beverage service area. Admiral Stone always fed his guests. He had seen the Fleet ships assembling at the Starbase and thought it would be a good time to get to meet some of his Fleet intelligence staff before they all blasted off for different parts of the known universe. A message was sent to all the fleet staff but as some were at quite a difference it couldn’t be complete with everyone. Several displays of new and proposed equipment were set up around the room with the obvious pitch to use and or endorse the use of the newest Intel toys developed by private industry. A view screen was showing the Starfleet Intel recruiting films, always looking for the next generation of Grey clad officers.

All the Fleets ships had a place at the table. View screens had been placed around the room for a video feed to officers on assignment. The meeting was scheduled for 1800 hours and all the sales staff hustled out by security and the room sealed. Officers took their seats as Admiral Stone began to speak.

“I’d like to welcome all of you here with us today at our first intelligence meeting. I would like to make a few introductions. You all know who I am.†Stone began with a gesture to the first large monitor. “Lieutenant Commander John Gifford, USS Endeavor, Lieutenant Karma Sinclair, USS Calypso. Lieutenant David Maxwell, USS Pendragon.†He motioned to the Table… “Our Host, Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams of Starbase Typhon, We have Lieutenant Wyatt Dunn , USS New York. Lieutenant Cullen Cameron, USS Horizon. And Lieutenant junior grade wren Harper, USS Wasp.

Are mission here has many twists. Fleet has prepared a guideline for your operations while in the field. They have been provided to you and are very comprehensive. They are not classified and your welcome to take them with you for further reference. Some of you are very new to command, these guidelines will assist you in developing functional departments to serve your vessels. Very soon their shall be some interesting plans on the reporting functions for Intel. But more on that later. As your director I will mention the high standard of service I demand from all of you. You shall follow directives and the orders of your vessels to the letter. Those to chose to follow a different path will be leaving Starfleet. I see the need to say that only once. I hope you will enjoy your stay here at the Starbase.


RAdm Fleet director of Intelligence
Starbase Typhon

Nickolas Stone


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